PART. 2- Level Three

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Blossom's P.O.V

I didn't want to go to school today. I even asked Isabelle can I stay home today or stay with her sister. But she said no. I begged and begged her for me to stay home, I went to desperate measures by grabbing her leg and cried. But when her mind is set in a decision, there's no way to change her mind. I eventually gave up and went to school. She looks like she's getting weak, she couldn't really get out of bed. I didn't want to upset her more and I just went to school. Well, today's Thursday and one more day until I get to take a break of this torment. I arrived at school, hesitating to go in. I even thought of flying away from here. I've been flying but not as much as I use too. I took a deep breath and went inside. In the classroom, everyone was talking and laughing and just... having fun. But that changed. Someone spotted me and started walking towards me. I didn't want him and talk crap to me and follow Ryan and Troys commands. I quickly jogged to my hanger and put up my book bag and was about to walk away until he called out.

"Hey! I heard that you were an orphan? I that true?" He eyed me suspiciously. I stood there, shocked. How on earth did he know?!

"Well, I don't know, who told you?" I asked, ignoring the question.

"Ryan and Troy. I hope you know I don't like you, right?" He asked, rudely. I just nodded and marched those rotten buttholes.
Well, thanks for the honesty kid! I thought sarcastically. I stood in front of there table while they just looked at me, unamused.

"So, what does the homeless little orphan want this time? Her mommy? Oh, wait! You don't have one. Sorry." Troy said, laughing. Ryan joined in. Wide eyed, I decided to ask them.

"How the heck did you know?! Who told you?" I asked, demanding.

"Your little 'brother' over there told Alice and since we bribed her to tell us, she did." Ryan answered. They both smirked and did a waving motion.

"Now go back to your own table, we got more better things to do than talk to you." Troy said. And, I just signed and went to my table, holding the tears I refused to let them fall. Why would....
I sat down next to Toby and just sat there. That was a secret that he was supposed to keep. Toby waved at me.

"Hey Blossom! How was your sleep?" He tried to start a conversation. But I stared at him with cold eyes. He looked shocked why I did that. "Blossom? Is something wrong?" He asked, nervously. My eyes has never this cold to anyone.

"You told Alice, did you?" I asked, coldly. He seemed to caught on, because he tried to hug me, but I pushed him off. "Blossom, I didn't mean to! I... I..." He stuttered, but he knew I didn't want to hear it.

"You don't talk to me, ever again." I stated. He was no longer my brother.

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