PART. 3- Glowing Eyes

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Unknown P.O.V

I sat in my white padded room, looking up to the ceiling. I sighed with annoyance as the scientists were studying me. As you can tell, I don't like being watched or studied like an animal. Well, half animal I guess you could say. The scientists backed up a little when I got up to stretch my legs from being stiff from staying in the same position for to long. My eyes darted to the one in the front. Her name is Lana Highland. She hates me and I hate her, simple as that. She's the one who injected me with this DNA and I almost bite her when she exited the room.

The DNA was a wolf. It gave me glowing yellow eyes while wolf ears and tail grew on me. My teeth grew and I became more aggressive. But I learned to stay calm at most of the times and became independent. I don't know why, but I feel like I got it from one of my parents.

So, let me tell you who I am. My name is Cinder Hazel. I gave the name to myself because I never knew my parents. My parents could be dead or alive, I don't know. I am 15 years old and I don't know how I'm even still alive. My increased temper flashed out on Lana and the cursed dog collar shocked me so much that my heart almost stopped. That's why she hates me so much.

When I came here, I had to be a baby. I remember my whole body shook with coldness and the smell was filled with different kinds of chemicals and things a hospital would have but with some animal kinds of smells. I wailed with cries as I was not nurtured as much as I should have been. As I grew, I hated and hated this place, I wanted to get out.

There isn't that much to tell, except when I was 12, I met Nathan. He was so calm but he didn't show his emotions. He was scared. I went to him and told him about me. After that, we connected. When we would actually get together, we were like siblings. He would rub my ear and play together. I wanted to protect him so much. I loved that kid. So much.

I heard that a new kid has arrived and I feel sorry for them. No one should go through what every kid in this building is going through. Some even died but the scientists didn't. They just watch them suffer and when they die, they just causally throw them out in the burner. I seen that happen before. Trust me, it's not fun to see.

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