PART.5- What Now...?

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Blossom's P.O.V

My arms were currently occupied with my decease non-biologically brother, eyes peacefully closed. Wings were flapping in a rhythmic pace, and so were my tears. I tried to keep myself from crying, but no use. As you can probably tell, I was covered in green blood from Ivy. I don't want to go into detail on what happened but her body was so destroyed, her body was unrecognizable. She got what she deserved, but I knew it wouldn't bring Nathan back. I let out a sigh.

*2 Hours Later...*

We were in a magical place. The trees were fresh, also the grass. Flowers carefully planted under trees and bushes trimmed neatly. Nathan and I were here a few times before and he said,

"Hey Blossom? I think this would be the perfect place to be buried. Your body would be decomposed into the ground, becoming one with nature." Nathan said.

"Okay, you sound like freaking Martin Luther King right now. No need for going into deep stuff, okay? But if that's what you want, alright?!" I grinned.

He will get his wish.

I laid his body under a fresh green tree, conjured a shovel into my hands and got to work. As the perfectly rectangular hole was finished, I hesitated to pick Nate up, my hands were shaking and my breath hitched.

I gulped hard and shakily picked up him, trying not to break down. No! I thought. I have to stay strong for him. I carefully set him down in his spot and kissed his forehead and quickly buried him up before I threw up. After that, I grabbed my kunai knife and craved his name and birth on the tree.

Nathan McWing

Jan 15th 1982 - June 1997

Beloved brother, son, and best friend

I smiled lightly before I completely broke down, losing the only family I had.

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