PART. 5- Gone

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Blossom's P.O.V

My eyes stared down at the 16 year old teen, shocked. Tears escaped from my eyes as they dropped on his pale white skin with his eyes, hollow yet was filled with love. Nathan, who helped me guide through the 7 years we have been together, had sacrificed himself for me. The psychotic bitch, Ivy, was standing, with a smirk that I wasn't to rip off her light caramel face. I didn't care who saw me cry, I lost another person in my life...

* Flashback*
The fight was intense. Lighting and fire was aimed at the green vines and yet, she brushed it off like it was nothing. Ivy laughed at my 10th attempt to attack to punch her in her face with my demon strength, but didn't know it would be my downfall.

A thick green vine strangle my throat and pulled me close to her face.

"Oh, Blossom." She made a 'tsk tsk' noise. "What will I do with you?" She ask.

"Oh I don't know. Has anyone told you look like that trash guy in 'Sesame Street' before?" My famous smug smirk came in place, but was faced with a punch. I tried to cut the vine but she read my movements and grabbed my arms. "I'm getting really tired of you two! Looks like I have to kill you, Blossom!" A crazed smile appeared on her face and opened her mouth to suck the life out of me. ( That sounded weird)

"Wait!" Nathan screamed. Ivy and I look at him. Nathan looked beaten and roughed up. It made him look tough and cool. " Take me! Please!" That made my eyes wide. Before I could protest, Ivy threw me with force to Nathan, but luckily, he catch me.

"There's no way in hell that I will let you go! No!" I yelled, but Nathan was unfazed. "Yes Blossom, you will." Nathan smiled. "No.." I whisper. "Its my time to go. And I ready. I love you, Blossom Ember Cage. You are my only family and I'm grateful for that, I'll tell Cinder you said hi." He kissed my forehead and walked up to her. I wanted to stop him, I really did, but the knuckle head knew some telekinesis powers, so I was bound down, helpless watching Ivy, taking my only family I have steal his soul, enjoying the life drain out his eyes.

"That was tasty snack. Thanks girly." She winked at me and threw me his body.

*Flashback ended*

The tears landed on Nathan's face. I looked up, with such rage that was never woken up years ago. My teeth grew sharp, nails grew, eyes turned black and red, blood oozed down my cheeks from my eyes, and fire blazed everywhere, orange and black spired all over the place. Even the queen the earth looked scared, but tried to keep her cool. This time, I'm finishing this for good. For Nathan.

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