PART .2- The End is Near

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Isabelle's P.O.V

I just got back from work and I was exhausted. I planned to take a quick hot bath and have a nice cup of tea before picking up Blossom from school. Today has been... strange. I've been more tired than I ever been and was feeling kind of hot, like sick wise. It's probably nothing. I just must been getting a little sick. That's all. As I went to the bathroom, I took a quick look in the mirror. My skin was pale and my eyes had dark bags underneath them. How is that possible? I was in my middle 20's. I can't have these...

Oh No! The spell! Its wearing off!


"So Isabelle, are we clear on what happens on taking the responsibly of taking care of this child?" She asked me. "Yes, yes of course. I vow to always keep Blaze and Liam's baby in my care, as long as this spell goes on for." As she looked at me to see if I was serious, she nodded of approval. Then she gave me a list. "As this spell goes on, notice these synonyms to know when your time is coming to an end" I studied every one and it said,

-Pale skin
-Dark bags under eyes
-Feeling weak
-Coughing fits
-And having no energy/ can't get out of bed

I looked up and nodded. "I understand. I will use every second I have with the baby" The woman closed her eyes and opened them with yellow eyes. "Good, let's begin."

*End of Flashback*

I stood in shock as I looked at myself. I can't believe this, I have to at least to stay alive for Blossom. But then, I chosen to take this responsibly for Blaze and Liam. I will accept my death for Blossom...
Maybe... Its time to tell her. Both the spell and her parents.

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