Chapter 2

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Warning: Bullying, Homophobic slurs, Blood

Stupid dream. I nearly wet myself from it. Wait, does that mean I got fired?

I ran to the restaurant and looked through the window. There I saw a man with a beanie with scruff. He looked about as tall as me but older. His beanie covered the top of his long, brown hair. And of course, he had the same uniform I had. So I was fired. That's just great. Now I have no job that can pay me.

I went back to my alley and leaned against the wall, thinking about the weird dream I had. Everything seemed so real that it actually scared me. I don't even remember falling asleep.

This dream has been taunting me all day, making me paranoid. Everyone I knew noticed and asked but I just shook my head, assuring them that in alright. But I never spoke. They just know that shaking my head means I'm fine.

"Come on, Mitchell. Tell us what's wrong. I know something's wrong. I knew you since you were twelve!" Ben, the gas station clerk, said.

I looked down at my feet and shook my head one more time. Ben sighed and tossed me a bottled water and a granola bar. I looked back up and smiled at him. He smiled back at me and went back doing is work while I headed out.
I wanted to tell him, but I hate talking.

I sat down on the cold, hard ground and leaned my back against the brick wall. I opened the water and drank all of it at once. I crawled to the box I had and put my granola bar in with the other food and drinks people around the town gave me.

"Hey. It's you. From all this time I've been looking for you, you were right there. I always thought some old hag lived here, but I was wrong. Instead I find the gay boy I bullied since 6th grade. Hello Mitchie." I heard that awful voice again. I thought I would never hear it again, but it came back to me. The voice that pulled me into this alley. The voice that taunted me since 6th grade. The voice that made me mute.

"Hey gay boy, why don't you talk? You afraid I'll do what I did before? Well you should be." Gabe said.

He then grabbed me and pulled me deeper in the alley where I sleep. He violently threw me against the cold wall and pinned me against it. Then, two guys came out of nowhere and helped Gabe. They grabbed my arms and put them over my head. Gabe undid his belt and whipped me with it. It didn't hurt that much since my shirt was still on, but the two guys tore it with their free hand. I started kicking Gabe but he dodged all my attacks. The two guys threw me down and all three started to kick me. Gabe bent down and punched everywhere. I just wanted to give up by this point. I don't see a point in trying to save myself. I can't even scream for help. So, I just let them do whatever they wanted with me. I felt the bruises get worse and worse every time someone would hit the same spot over and over again. I felt a sharp pain go through my head and I was almost out like a light. They all gave me one more hit then spat one me. They all laughed and then left, leaving me in a puddle of my own blood.

I started to lose light in my eyes when Ben ran in. That's when everything went black.

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