Kinda has a lot of things in here. It's a short chapter, but there's a lot of POV's changing. It's not the last chapter, though. This is only the beginning.
Today's my birthday. Yay. I guess. It's kinda like my last birthdays except I'm getting tortured for a present instead of getting nothing. I guess that's a start, right?
"Good morning Angel. How'd you sleep?" Scott asked as he sat up.
"Great, actually. How about you?" I answered.
"My sleep was perfect because you're here." I blushed and smiled at him. He smiled back and held onto me.
"Guys. Look who came here to 'save' you." The man came in abruptly. After he said that, Avi, a woman, and a familiar looking man came in, tied up.
"Avi!" Scott and I yelled. We both jumped up in excitement and also fear.
"It's cute how everyone is happy to see everyone else. I don't think you know who these two are, but you talked to one of them. Meet Castiel. Your angel friend."
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"I hope you know that you'll be dead. You all will be gone before these kids die. You'll be punished!" Castiel yelled.
Scott and I ran towards them, trying to break our friends out. But right before touching them, we were lifted off the ground and was held there. We kicked out legs to escape, but it was no use.
"I think you guys know what this means. Man, I had the best time with you guys. You, Misfit, were my favorite. But, everyone is here and now I'm gonna have to kill you. You know what's gonna happen. Anyway, I'll let Poor and Broken come in here too and you guys can say your final words to each other. I'm sorry, not really." The men who were holding us let everyone go and Avi, Scott, Castiel, and I hugged each other tightly. Soon after, Kevin and Kirstie joined in. We were a family again.
"I'm so sorry guys. I couldn't save us." Avi cried, pulling away from the hug as everyone did the same.
"It's okay. At least we all got to see each other before going, right?" Scott cried.
Soon, everyone was crying. Even the girl, who I guess is Avi's sister, cried.
"Before we go, I just want to say thank you. You guys were a huge impact in my life. You got me to confront my father, become braver then I was, and learn how to feel. I never knew how to feel until I met you guys. Feelings are hard. I don't know how humans can handle this." Castiel said. We all chuckled at his statement and held hands.
"I couldn't save you guys. I'm so sorry. I couldn't even save my sister from death. I brought her into this and now she can't get out. I'm a horrible person. I'm so sorry." Avi sobbed.
"It's now your fault. Most people couldn't have done this. They'll be too afraid. You were brave enough to come here and fight. We're all grateful for you fighting for us. Thanks." I told him. He sniffed and hugged me tightly before hearing the door open. "Guys. It's time."
There are two things about this. One good and one bad. Bad, because we're all dying and we'll never see each other. Good, because we finally get to escape the pain we felt for years. I'm a little happy about going to the place I've been wanting to go to since I was five. Don't worry Mom and Dad. I'll see you soon.
Scott's POV
I can't believe this is happening. This can't be happening. It has to be a dream! I can't go. We can't go! We were invincible. Nothing can break us apart!
I need to tell Mitch. I love him.
Kevin's POV
No. No. No. No. NO! God, if you're watching us, please forgive us. Please send down angels to help bring us back. We ask for your forgiveness. Please don't let us go.
Avi's POV
The one time I can be a hero and I fail. I'll die as the guy who couldn't even save his friends. I'm sorry guys. I couldn't protect you.
Kirstie's POV
This is it. This is the end. It's all over. I'll never get to see us in the future. I'll never get to see who I'll be married to. And I'll never get to see my sister ever again. All of us will be split. Everything we had is now gone. It'll always be remembered, though.