Chapter 9

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Avi's POV

"Ok, I'll talk," I started," It all started when I was seven. I was walking to the bathroom when a bunch of fourth graders blocked the door. I tried to get past them but they pushed me every time. Finally I yelled at them and punched one of the kid's stomach. They all glared at me and I tried to escape but I was already cornered. They started beating me and I had no chance. Ever since that day, those same kids would find a way to annoy me and beat me.

"The day I wanted everything to stop was when I was a freshman in high school. They kept picking on me until I screamed in rage and pushed them to the ground. Before any of them got a chance, I jumped on them. When I saw a huge crowd around me, I ran. I didn't go home, I just.. ran. By the time I had gotten tired, I couldn't find my way home. I checked my phone and receive tons of calls from my sister but I never answered a single one. I figured out the police were trying to search for me so I threw my phone in a random direction and I ran again. I know it sounds crazy now, but in my head, it sounded like it was the best option. Now that I think about it, I really miss my... my family." I started to tear up towards the ending of my story and tried to regain myself but didn't have the power to do so.

I let go. I cried in front of my friends. I felt Kirstie hug me, Mitch rubbing my back, and I heard Kevin's reassurance that everything will turn out well in the end. I think Scott and Alex stopped what they were doing because they handed me a glass of water and a towel to wipe my tears. I thanked them and grabbed the two objects. I quickly recovered and wiped my face with the towel. I chugged the water and took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know you would cry." Kevin started to apologize.

"It's fine. I'm glad that I got that off my chest. I thought I would die without telling it. Thanks Kev."

Everyone backed away and gave me a sad smile.

"You had a tough life. Bullying can do things to you and you think you can hold it all in but one day you'll break. It seems like the best idea at the time but you later regret it. But, you've learned lesson. Some people don't give up that idea. If you were to keep running, you wouldn't have met any of us, resulting you into not breaking down, crying. Not letting go all the feeling locked in you." Mitch wrote down.

"Thank you all for being with me and telling me it'll be okay. I really appreciate that." I started to cry again but this time, I stayed strong.

"Will you be okay until you find your family?" Kirstie asked.

"Yeah. And if I don't reunite with them, I know you guys will be by my side, being the family that does anything for each other, even if it results in death. You guys are my friends. My first real friends that stuck with me even when I'm mean or whining. You stayed with me and I really thank you for it." I replied.

They all smiled and I felt proud of myself for actually doing the right thing.

Mitch's POV

I bet they would want you to speak next.

"They know I hate talking. They wouldn't do that."

But you're the mysterious one in the group. No one knows who you actually are. I know they want figure out who you are. Even if they need to go over to Ben, the only guy that knows. Why is that?

"I can trust him. He's the first person that let me have food and water without asking. The first person that took care of me even though I was a mess. Yeah I never really talked to him on the streets but he always found a way to find out what happened."

You do know why he let you in so late, right?

"Yeah. After his horrible divorce with that whore, he felt lonely. I think he felt lonely and bad for me so he took me in. I'm not complaining."

I need to tell you something.

"What is it?"

I can't tell you now because they want you talk. I will tell you after though.

"Do you want to go or do you want to go last?" Scott asked.

I nodded my head, indicating that I'll go last.

Alex suddenly got up and told everyone he needed to go before heading out. I was a bit glad. Is that bad?

Probably not. You love Scott.

"If you keep saying that, I won't ever talk to you anymore!"

Fine, fine. I'll stop. Maybe.

I'll be updated for the next three days for their past because I have the ideas and I don't want to lose them. I hope that's okay with you guys.

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