Chapter 36

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A few days later

Ever since I killed those "people", I've been feeling down. I don't have the energy to get up. I took someone's life away. That's something I promised myself I'll never do but I did it.

Castiel hasn't been showing up. Kevin and I pray to him morning and night, but he never comes. We're planning on moving to another apartment or hotel s**n, but Kevin still has hope that Castiel will appear.

"Scott? What if they're already dead? Like, those "shifters" were supposed to be their replacements." Kevin asked me out of nowhere.

"Why would you ever think that?"

"It's just, why would those shapeshifters come here and act like them? Is that supposed to be a sign that they're dead?"

"Kevin, they're not dead. We'll find them alive and well. I promise. If they were dead, we'd already be dead. They made it. Those shifters only came here to scare us. To give us a warning."

Kevin nodded and walked into the kitchen. I sat down at the couch and put my head in my hands. I need to find whoever took them and kill him. I can't stand being a another day apart from Mitch.

Kirstie's POV

I don't even know if anyone else is here. The room is pitch black, I have tape over my mouth, and I'm tied up. This whole situation is giving me bad memories about my dad. Or "dad." I miss my family. I wonder how mom and my actual dad is doing. And my sister, God, I hope she's okay. I want my family back. I want my friends back.

I was about to fall asleep when the door opened. Since my eyes adjusted to the dark, the sunlight coming from the door made my eyes burn. My eyes closed and I slid back in a corner. I felt two pairs of hands lift me up and drag me out the door.

"Put her in the truck and grab everyone else. Make sure you untie them." Someone said to the people who held me.

They threw me in a truck and someone let me go. Now is my chance.

Once I was free, I opened my eyes and pounced on one of the men. I held onto his back and he struggled to get me off. The other man pulled out a gun and I forced the man I was on to turn. The other one pulled the trigger and it hit the wall next to us. The other man gave up and pulled me off of guy number one. I bit guy number two hard and he dropped me, holding his bloody hand. Guy number one grabbed my legs and lifted me up upside down.

"She's a feisty one." I heard another man say. I turned my head towards his direction and saw Dean. He was behind all of this. "Don't tie her up. She needs to stretch."

Guy number two punched me and I blacked out. The last thing I remember hearing is Mitch screaming my name out. He's alive?

Avi's POV

I know Kirstie is alive after seeing her fight everyone and that was awesome. And I know that Mitch is alive because he was tied up and held by those men.

I saw some of Dean's men carrying three suitcases and Mitch. He screamed something after Kirstie passed out but I couldn't hear it. To think of it, I couldn't hear anything.

Mitch's POV

I tried to yell out for Avi but he didn't even react.

The men threw me in a car and I tried running away but they just pushed me back in the seat. Someone sat next to me and held onto my arms, preventing me to move.

Dean got in the driver's seat and turned his head to look at me. His eyes turned black and gently held my chin so I can face him. "Don't worry sweetheart. Everything will be just fine."

I glared at him and spit in his eye. He jumped up and yelped in pain. "You bitch!" He yelled.

He elbowed me in the face and I saw black.

A few hours later

I felt cold water running down my face and I shot up. Dean laughed and put his water bottle away. I sat up.

"Where are we?" I asked, rubbing my head.

"Scott's place. Go on. Go ahead in. Scott's waiting." Dean answered.

The men let me go and I hesitantly walked up to the door. I raised my hand to knock but stop. It's a joke. This isn't real. This isn't real. THIS ISN'T REAL!

I opened my eyes and saw Avi and Kirstie. Kirstie was rocking back and forth, mumbling something to herself. Avi was crying, screaming "HELP!" What happened?

I crawled over to Kirstie and gently placed my hand over her knee. She screamed and tried to hide herself in the corner.

"Kirstie. It's just me. Mitch. There's nothing to worry about. I'm right here." I assured her.

She calmed down and reached out her arms. "Mitchy? Where are you? I can't see you!" She started freaking out again.

I pulled her into my lap and hugged her. She immediately hugs back, digging her head in my chest making my shirt damp from her tears.

"I'm right here. Shhh. Stay with me. I'm right here. I'll never leave."

I looked over and saw Avi still freaking out. I grabbed his arm and pulled him in the hug.

"Mitch. Something's wrong with me. I can't hear anything." Avi cried out loudly.

He put his arms around my waist and cried into my shoulder. I rubbed his back knowing I can't say anything.

Dean did something that made them like this. I can't let him mess with my friends. I won't allow it.

We stayed like that until Kirstie and Avi fell asleep. I wiggled myself out and placed Kirstie in Avi's lap. I tapped on the wall near the drivers seat and someone yelled. "What do you want?"

"Can we have water? Please?" I pretended to beg.

They opened the little window and stuck their arm through the small, opened door with a water bottle in his hand. I slowly reached out for the water bottle but instead I grabbed his arm and forcefully pulled it near me. The person's body banged on the wall and he tried to escape my grip but I grabbed onto a pipe with my free hand and reached around it so I could grab their wrist with both hands with the pipe in my arm.

"Let GO of me you bitch!" They yelled. I pushed his arm a bit before pulling it back, effectively making the man's head slam against the wall. He passed out immediately. The van pulled over and turned off. I heard the car door open and slam close. I quickly reached in the hole to grab something from the front. I grabbed the first thing I touched. Hot coffee.

The back doors of the van opened and I hid in the dark corner. I waited until he entered before jumping out and splashing steaming hot coffee on his head. He screamed in pain and fell back, landing on the grass. I jumped out the van and opened the passenger door. I dragged the man out of the seat and put him next to his friend.

Kirstie and Avi woke up and looked at me with wide eyes.

"Get in the front. Avi, you drive. Hurry!" I demanded.

They both jumped into the front with me in the middle. Avi looked in the side-view mirrors before driving off.

"What just happened?" Kirstie asked, a bit of excitement showing through her voice.

"We escaped."

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Sep 30, 2016 ⏰

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