Chapter 4

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Everyday can't be a perfect day, though. The next day, Ben had to go to court for running three red lights and it just left me alone in the house. I should feel used to it but Ben has been making sure that doesn't happen lately. I guess today is just a day for myself.

After I finished breakfast, I ran to the room and jumped on the bed, soaking in the moment that I finally live in a better place. I fell asleep and the dream from a couple of days came back, but this time I saw other people around us.

"You know, this dream you guys are having will come more often if you don't do these five things." A loud voice boomed from the sky.

"Why would we ever want to do want you tell us?!" A deep voice yelled out. I turned to look at who it was and it was the guy who has the job I used to have.

"Because if you don't do these five things, this dream will come true and all you loved ones will die in front of you." The sky answered back.

What loved ones? I thought.

"Good question silent one. You know your best friend Ben, the one who let you stay with him. Kirstie, I know your thinking the same. Your sister will be in my hands if you don't listen. And sweet Kevin. Your cello and your parents will be in the ground if you disobey. So now that I stated everyone who are lonely, can we get to the five things I need you to do?"


"Fine. I'll do it." All five of us said. Well, I just mumbled it.

"Wow, no hesitation huh? Okay, these five things are your worst nightmares. The only good part about this is that you'll be doing these tasks in your dreams."

This isn't real. I'm just dreaming.

"Your not dreaming, silent one. You are but this determines life and death for Ben. So, now that I got that covered. I can start. So, the first one you must do is to take the life of the one who brought you to this horrible time of your life. If it was a natural disaster like a fire, then try to save your family. That is all I'll say for now. If you complete this, after I'll tell you the next task. Now, WAKE UP!"

I shot up from bed and saw Ben shaking in front of me.

"You ok? You were kicking and mumbling in your sleep."

I nodded my head and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Are you sure, you look a bit wor-" I cut Ben off by jumping up and hugging him tightly, tears falling from my face.

I probably scared him a but because he took a second to hug back. We stood there in silence, hugging. The only sound was my quiet sobs and Ben's assurance.

I wanted to believe that dream was not true, but it was too realistic. Ben doesn't deserve this and so do those other people I saw. Who ever planned this nightmare is tricky and clever.

"Mitch, you wanna see a movie? I know you haven't seen the recent ones and I just wanted you to be up to date, ya know. Just tell me when and I'll be ready, okay? It can be today, tomorrow, or even in a month. I just want you to be happy." Ben whispered.

We pulled away and I sat on my bed again. Ben kissed my forehead and left the room. I took a deep breath and grabbed a notebook from the desk along with a pencil.

I started drawing everything I saw and everyone. I made sure to add the smallest of detail so I would never forget those people who looked troubled like me.

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