Chapter 10

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Kevin's POV

"So Kev," Avi started,"You wanna go?"

"Uhh... Sure. So it all started when I was ten. My parents both lost there jobs and taking care of three kids was a bit of a hassle so they would send us to our grandparents house often. My brother and sister were a bit too young to understand what was going on so every time they would ask, I would make up a lie saying that mom and dad were busy at work or something. We barely saw them but I wasn't complaining. It meant that they were looking for jobs and it also means I can spend more time with my siblings. Fast forward to four years later, my parents received steady jobs and we finally had a house. Everything was perfect, until January first.

"My parents went to work after New Years and I was out getting some dinner, leaving my brother and sister alone in the house. As I was driving home, I had a bad feeling that something happened. I shook it off though, thinking it was nothing. I was wrong. When I was approaching my house, I saw a really bright light. I started to get worried so I sped up and saw that the house was in flames. I saw firemen come out of the house with two figures in their arms. I ran towards them and saw that they were my siblings. I remember the last thing they said to me before...before passing. They said to follow my dreams in becoming a musician and then they handed me money, saying that the mon-money w-w-was for buying th-the cello I-I've always wa-wanted." I burst into tears, sobbing loudly. Kirstie came up to me and hugged me, whispering that everything will be okay.

After a while, I started to calm down.

"Do you want to finish? You don't have to if you don't want to." Scott said.

"No, it's okay. I'll finish *sniffle*. So a few years after, my parents got a ca-car crash. Th-ey didn't sur-survive the dri-ve to the hospital so I wa-was left alone. I lived outside for about two mon-months before a woman around my age let me stay in her apartment for free. Then I actually got my own a-apartment next to hers and since she's like the nicest girl, she helped to pay rent. I still mourn about my family and cry almost every night but she's helping me."

"That's nice of her. What's her name?" Kirstie asks, tilting her head a bit.

"Alyssa." I answered.

You like her, don't you Poor?

"Why do you talk to me every time I mention her?"

Because it's cute, I'm bored, and I do it to the rest of you. I do it to the silent one more though.


Because since he never talks to anyone, he thinks more often, allowing me to talk to him. And he loves Scott. Always thinks of him.

"Are you gonna be okay? You look too depressed." Avi said, sounding worried.

"Don't worry guys, I'll be fine." I answered.

Mitch's POV

I just told Kevin you loved Scott. Sorry not sorry.

"You jerk! First of all, you can't just tell my secret to everyone. And second of all, I don't like Scott!"

I didn't tell everyone. I just told Kevin. And stop denying. You and I both know that you're madly in love with the tall noodle. So can you just stop denying and start telling me what you love about him.

"Okay, fine. I do like him. There, you happy?"

Not quite. But you're getting there.

"Why are you so interested in 'love' anyway?"

Because I know I'll never experience it because I can't feel feelings.

"Can you please tell me what you are? I promise I won't slip up."

Only if you admit you love Scott.

"Fine. I love him. I love him with all my heart and it cracks every time I see him because I know I'll never have a chance. There, I said it. Now tell me!"

I'm an angel.

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