Chapter 8

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Great, now we're in the dream world.

Ahh, I see you've made it. This won't be a test. Maybe.

"What the hell is it then?!" Avi asked loudly.

I just need to warn you guys. Their creatures out there looking for you five. I can't protect you from them.

"What are they?" Kirstie mumbled.

Their demons, they're our greatest enemy. They capture out subjects and torture them to no end. They will kill anything and anyone if they mess with them. No one has found their weakness yet and I don't think they have one. These creatures made up the nightmares you have, the fears you keep with you. They are the most powerful and evil things out there and their target is all of you.

"Thanks for the scare." Kevin sarcastically muttered.

I'm sorry. I had to warn you. And in case of an encounter, you have to train. You're second test will be how well you work with each other. I know, it's not as exciting as the last task but that's what the boss ordered.

"Why do you go by the rules of your so-called 'boss'?"

Let's just say that if I don't, I won't be able to see, talk, hear, or smell.

"So, do we have to do the task now?" Kevin asked.

Yup. Just go in that door on the right. You'll see robot type dummies and a table of weapons. Choose your favorite weapon to fight in the dream world. Pick wisely though, you'll be slick with it for awhile. Go now, we have a short amount of time for this task.

We glanced around to find the door when a something shook us awake.

Dammit. Now I can only talk to you.

"What the hell?!" Scott shot up from his position, almost hitting me in the process. "Sorry."

"Why are we awake?!" Kirstie yelled.

Okay, turns out it's just an earthquake.

"It was only an earthquake. We should probably be concerned considering there's a new crack in the wall but we've been through worse." Avi assured everyone as he looked at his phone.

Now what. I can't get you guys back to sleep considering your heartbeats increased. I'm behind schedule. My peers will make fun of me. What do I do?!!

"Calm down. Maybe when we take a nap later this day, we can do the task."

But how do you know they'll take a nap?!

"Well, considering it's three in the morning, I bet we'll be dead asleep sometime today."

Ok, fine. But, what do you do in the meantime? Nothing's open and no one is awake except for you guys.

"Hey, you guys wanna play something like a card game or 'would you rather'?" Kevin asked, breaking the awkward silence.

We all agreed on the card game and Scott got up to get some cards. While he was doing that, another violent rumble struck the town again, following up with thunder and rain. With my fear of storms, I curled up in a ball and covered my ears, trying to block out everything. I saw a lightning strike just outside the window so I closed my eyes in fear. I felt someone grab me and I screamed.

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