Chapter 35

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"Grab them! Before they escape!"

The police were chasing us. We were free from the cuffs but they figured out. We've been running for about half an hour. I can't believe we escaped.

The cops were so close to us, I thought we'd get caught but then I ran into a wall. I fell to the floor and looked around. We were inside. I could've sworn we were outside. Wait a second. We have an angel on our side. Castiel did this. Of course.

"You should be thanking me. I caught you two just before they jumped forward to catch you. It was hilarious to see them all on top of each other. You should've seen their faces." Castiel was laughing.

I shook my head and stood up. Scott was still on the floor.

"Why do you joke when we're in a serious situation?" Scott asked.

"I can't be funny?"

"I'm just saying. You're a trickster when we're in danger."

"I just learned to not take things seriously by my big brother."

"Wait, you have a brother?"

"Yeah, I have millions of brothers and sisters. All of them are angels. Like me."

"Oh, so who's is this angel brother that taught you?"

"The archangel, Gabriel. He looked out for me."

"What happened? Why the past tense?"

"He died. Because of Lucifer. But before he died, he told me to live my life, because the world will end with you in it."

"I'm sorry. I didn't kno-"

"It's fine. That was years ago. I didn't know what he was talking about until Sam and Dean turned. I got what he meant. Sam and Dean. They were my world and they turned against me. Now I'm taking in what Gabriel said."

"What were you like before they turned?"

"I was confused. Lonely. I was searching for a leader but God never showed up so I took the lead. Twice. And I failed both times. It was a dark time for me, but that ended when Heaven thought of a great idea. To help the unfortunate. But everything comes with a price. That's when I took the chance of getting a new life. To start over. And now I failed to protect and help you guys. You see the pattern. I try and I fail."

I looked down. I felt bad. We screwed up his life.

I didn't hear him say anything. I assumed he stopped talking but he just vanished. Scott finally stood up and sighed. Right before he sat on the couch, we heard a knock on the door. I told Scott to sit down so I could answer it.

I opened the door and saw my three best friends. "Hey Kevin."

I smiled and pulled them in a hug. Scott came to see what was happening and soon joined the hug. We're together again.

We pulled away but Scott and Mitch didn't seem to pull away. They were hugging each other.

Scott's POV

I don't know if it's them or not. I mean, they're right in front of me, physically but they're not fully here. Something's wrong.

The only way I could tell us if I could find out why Mitch is still hugging me. We weren't talking before he went missing and now he's hugging me like there's no tomorrow. He would've pulled away by now but he didn't. He seems stronger, too.

We finally pulled away and he smirked at me. He kissed my cheek and walked away after he gave me a small wink. This isn't him. But I still need to make sure.

"I'll get some food for you guys." I told everyone.

After reading and taking notes on everything from the Internet, I learned that silver can burn werewolves, djinn, skinwalkers, and shapeshifters. Now, I dialed it down to two things that can become someone else. A skinwalker or a shapeshifter. From the website I read, skinwalkers can turn into any canine. Like a dog. So the only choice left is a shapeshifter. They can morph into anyone they can touch. To get their identity.

I walked into the kitchen and immediately went searching for anything that's silver. I looked in a drawer and found a box filled with silverware. Perfect.

I made sandwiches and cut them in half with a silver knife. Hopefully, the remains or something from the knife went into the sandwich. For that doesn't work, then I can just handcuff them to the silver handcuffs I stole from the police department.

I walked back into the living room with the sandwiches on plates. I put the plates down and everyone grabbed a half of one. "Avi" was the first one to bite. I heard a burning sound and he threw the sandwich down. I knew it.

I grabbed the three pairs of cuffs I had in my pocket and tossed one of them to Kevin. He caught them and grabbed "Mitch"'s arms. He cuffed them behind his back and the shifter hissed in pain. He tried to run away but Kevin held him. I did the same to the two other shifters. We dragged them to some chairs and threw them down. I told Kevin to watch them while I got some duck tape I found in a cabinet. I taped all of them to the chairs, making sure they still had their cuffs on and they couldn't escape.

"What did you do to our friends?" I asked in a demanding voice. I need answers.

"You're a smart boy, you know that? Where did you learn that fact about silver burning the supernatural?" "Kirstie" asked.

"Internet. Now tell me where they are, or I'll kill one of you." I threatened. I grabbed a sliver knife from my jacket pocket.

"A boy with a knife. How wonderful. Do you know how to use that thing, sweetheart?" "Avi" teased me with the kind of voice you use when you're talking to a child.

"Tell me or I'll push this knife deeper in your friend's chest." I put the tip of the  knife against "Mitch"'s torso. I pushed the knife past his skin and he screamed.

They still refused. I pushed it deeper in it's chest, right above it's heart. Kevin taped his mouth shut and looked away. Sorry Kevin.

The sound of burning and muffled screams filled the room until "Kirstie" shouted. "STOP! We'll tell you! Just don't hurt him!"

I pulled the knife out and he let out a huge breath.

"They're in this abandoned building in LA. We don't know what it's called but it's one of those buildings. It's kinda on the outskirts of town. It's a brown, somewhat, tall house. The outer walls are dirty and it's kinda creepy. You can't miss it." She explained. "Now please don't hurt us."

"I'm sorry, but you were gonna hurt us." I told them before stabbing the fake Mitch. I did the same with everyone else in those chairs.

I looked over at Kevin. He was crying. I felt tears stream down my cheeks. I was crying, too. I killed people.

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