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I'm sorry. I know you guys are tired of these, but I have to get it out.

I've been having a tough week. Some of my friends are ignoring me and my other friends have been bringing me down. They say that what I listen to is horrible and that Pentatonix steals songs. They also say that PTX have no talent and they can't even make their own music. That really hurts me.

They say these things almost everyday. Then they cover it up with saying that I'm a 'great friend'.

I feel like they just want to make me feel bad or make me mad. I'm never mad at them and I always say that who they listen to is amazing even if I kinda don't like them.

I want to stand up to them. I want to fight back, but I'm just afraid I will lose my friends. The one time I fought back, she didn't talk to me for a week.

I want to be strong like you guys but I'm too afraid. Lately, they've been insulting me on what I wear and my personality. It really hurts hearing my own friends say that. I try telling them that what they say to me hurts me, but I just don't want to lose all my friends.

I only have three of my friends sticking by my side, but I rarely see them.

I'm sorry for wasting your time. I just needed to let everything go. I'm sorry.

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