Chapter 5

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As you can see, I changed the cover AND the title. I decided to put this story as the whole group's story, but it'll still be in Mitch's POV throughout this entire story. If it's necessary, I'll change the POV for a chapter or two. Thank you.

It the first task we have to do. Honestly, I don't want to murder Gabe, even if he made me traumatized. It's never a good thing to kill someone no matter no matter what they did to you. They can be scolded or punished, but never have their life taken.

"Mitch, I'm going out for the night. Call me if anything happens. Bye." Ben called out. I heard the door gently close with the locks turning after. I laid down on the bed and thought about how I'm supposed to do this.

Well silent one, all you gotta do is point and shoot.

"What the hell?!" I thought. "I thought you only talk when we're sleeping. How the hell did you access my thoughts while still conscious?"

Well, it's simple. Wait till you get distracted and then sneak in when your busy listening to someone.

"Were you talking with the four other people?"

Of course not. You're my favorite subject. You're fun to play with and you don't talk so you can think to me easier.

"Are you gonna be in my head until this thing is over?"

Of course. I can only stay for that long. It's my job to help the troubled but they have to do these tasks to earn it.

"Don't they have enough going on?"

Nah. If they want justice, they have to earn it.

"What are you?"

Well, that's kinda classified. All I can tell you is that I'm not human and there are more of me.

"Do all of you pick five people or do you just pick whoever you want?"

We get handed files of our subjects to work on. Everything about them is on the file.

"So, you're basically stalking us until you find the right time to attack?"

Yes. You're smart, silent one. For not being in school for almost four years, you sure are smarter. Almost smarter then my other subjects. The only one who is slightly smarter then you is Poor.

"Do you have nicknames for all your 'subjects'?"

Yup. You are Misfit, Kevin is Poor, Avi is Troubled, Scott is Thief, and Kirstie is Broken.

"Why don't you call me 'Misfit'?"

Because I like calling you silent one. But, enough chat. You need to sleep.

I started to feel sleepier and sleepier as the guy hummed a weird tune. Then, I was in a white room with the four other people.

"Welcome back. I just had a chat with little Mitch here. I told him a lot and maybe he can tell you what I had revealed to him."

They turned their attention to me and I started to feel nervous. I was getting used to talking to Ben, but not four strangers.

"Why don't you write it down. I can see your nervousness from here." The blonde one said. He smiled at me and I felt safe. He handed me a notepad with a silver pen. I hesitantly took it and started writing down everything that's useful. After I wrote, I showed the facts to them.

"Wait, so there are more of you?!" The blonde girl yelled.

"Of course. What, you thought it was only me? That's hilarious!" The guy laughed.

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