Chapter 30

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Mitch's POV

I woke up in a box. A wooden box to be specific. It was dark and cold and I had limited space. Great. What happened?

I placed my hands on the lid of the box and I pushed up. I kept punching and kicking it until dirt spilled in. The last punch made the wood give out and the next moment I was buried in dirt. There was no air so I had to get out quick. The only way I could get out of here is by digging with my hands. So I did.

A few minutes later

I was finally able to poke my hand out of the ground. I struggle to get all of me out of the ground but I managed.

I looked around. Everything around me was new. I've never been here before. I walked a bit until I found an abandoned gas station and a payphone. I broke in the gas station and took everything I need. Food. Water. Money. All the things to survive.

While I was scavenging in the store, someone appeared behind. I couldn't make out who it was but the shadow of the mysterious person looked so familiar. Before he/she could find me, I hid behind a counter.

"Mitchell? Mitch?" The person yelled out. Castiel? "Mitch, please. I'm here to take you home. Trust me. I can take you there."

I stood up and Castiel looked over at me. He walked over and hugged me. I hugged back and he patted me on the back. Great.

When we pulled away, I wasn't in the store anymore. I was in a car with Avi and Castiel.

"Okay, listen. I know you guys are confused, I get it. But you're here now. On Earth. You're not going back. I promise you." Castiel explained while driving.

"Castiel, what happened while we were gone? Is Kirstie and Kevin okay? Is Scott still alive? Is my sister okay?" Avi asked.

"Scott and Esther are fine."

"What about Kevin and Kirstie?"

"They...they died. They're in heaven right now. I'm trying to get them out, but the security in Heaven doubled since the incident. I can't get them out."

"Why would you want to get them out? They're finally happy."

"They're alone. They don't have any visitors or friends or family members. They can't communicate with anyone. They're afraid."

"How do you know?"

"I'm still connected to them. I have to be able to know where my subjects are and what they're feeling. Even when they are dead."

Everything fell in silence. And not a comfortable one. I looked in the rear view mirror and saw Avi spread out on the backseat, just lying there. I looked at Castiel and saw the distress he had on his face. He sped up the car and then suddenly stopped, making Avi fall off the chair and making my seatbelt stop me from hitting my head on the dashboard. "We are here."

Avi and I got out of the car and found ourselves in front of a black and white house. We both glanced at each other before hesitantly walking up the door. After the third knock, a tall man opened the door. "Hello there. Why're you knocking up here? I've never seen you two ever in my entire life." Wow. Not an easy person.

Before Avi could answer, someone pushed the man aside, taking his place. Scott. "Mitch? Avi? Is that really you?"

Avi and I nodded and Scott pulled the two of us in a tight hug. "I'm so happy you guys are here. You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this day."

Avi and I pulled back from Scott, giving him a confused look.

"How long have we been gone?" Avi asked.

"A few months now. Why? What's the last thing you remember?" Scott nervously asked.

"I remember getting shot by that demon dude. I remember my death." Avi answered. Scott looked at me, expecting me to say something.

"So, I'm guessing you remember your death scene, right?" I nodded. "If that's the last thing you remember, than you don't know what happened to you guys in Hell?" Avi and I shook our heads.

Scott pulled us in his house and lead us in his room. I heard his dad, I guess, say something but it was too quiet.

"Okay Scott, first of all, how are we alive? I thought, no, I know Mitch and I died." Avi asked as soon as we were in Scott's bedroom.

"I don't know. Cas said he'll find a way to get you guys out, but he never said how he did it." Scott answered, glancing at his computer. He was nervous for some reason. "I just know that Castiel was involved. I don't know how he did it but he did."

"So what? Are we some kind of zombies?" Avi yelled. I flinched and sat on Scott's bed. I have no idea what the hell is going on.

"Avi, calm yourself. We'll find out how Cas did this. For now, just rest. You two just came back." Scott left the room and Avi sat next to me on the bed. He looked at me with stress in his eyes.

"I don't like this. I don't like this at all. All of our lives just changed when Castiel showed up. I'd rather just stay at that crappy fast food place then deal with demons and angels." He complained.

"Well, I'm happy that he came into our lives. Well, my life." I mumbled.

"Because he introduced me to you guys. If it weren't you, I wouldn't be talking. Hell, I wouldn't be alive. Sure Ben was there, but he always had something to do everyday. He would leave me. Then I met you guys. I wasn't alone anymore."
"But Cass ruined my life. He put my sister in danger and I can never accept that. He even got me killed."
"But he brought you back. He brought us back from Hell!"
"If we never met him, he wouldn't have to bring us back. We would still be alive. Somewhat happy an-"
"Avi, why can't you just accept the fact that he brought you back?! That he saved your sister from death?!"

Castiel's POV

Breaking into Heaven and getting a person out of it ALIVE as well as yourself is hard as it is. Getting two people out and yourself is a suicide mission. I guess it's worth it.

I opened the door to Kevin's Heaven and found him sitting on a chair, playing a cello while beatboxing. He stopped and looked up at me with a surprised face. "Castiel? W-What're you doing here?"

"I'm here to save you."
"But I'm in heaven. Why would you need to save me from the happiest place in the entire universe?"
"It's not that 'happy' if you're an angel."
"Umm, okay. Well, shall we go?"
"Wait, you're agreeing to this?"
"Of course! I'm so lonely here and there's no one to amuse me."

Wow. I never thought that would work. I was expecting a verbal fight or a physical but avi-ously, Kevin isn't into that.

Kevin's POV

As soon as I said yes, I was laying on the ground. I sat up and rubbed my eyes and looked up. It was night.

I stood up and brushed myself off.

Walk up to the first house you see. Knock on it and Scott will answer.

After hearing that, I was in front of a somewhat large house. I thought this would be some kind of quest but I remembered that Castiel is an angel.

I knocked on the door and someone opened it. It was Scott! "Kevin? Is that really you?"

"In the flesh." I pulled Scott in a hug and he immediately hugged back. Before I could pull away, I heard another families voice. "Kevin!"

Scott and I pulled away from the hug and I saw Avi with wide eyes. I walked up to him and we bro-hugged. After that, Mitch came from downstairs and ran into my arms. I was finally with my family.

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