Chapter 27

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Is Scott insane?! Bringing someone back to life is too much! Especially if they are most likely in Hell.

"Scott, you do know the consequences, right?" I asked in disbelief.

"Not really, no. But you do, and you can avoid them. You can do that, right?" Scott tried to convince me.

"Raising one person from the dead is hard let alone raising four at the same time. Scott, you don't know how risky it is to do this. I can die."

"I-it's okay. I mean, I don't need them. I got you, Dad, and Alex. Maybe my patrol officer but-"

"Fine. I'll try to find the safest way to get them. I'm not only doing this for you, I'm doing this for me too. I miss my best friends."

I stood up and Scott looked at me with joy. I slightly smiled then disappeared. I'm on a suicide mission.

Scott's POV

I kinda feel bad that I'm pressuring Castial into doing this. But these guys are worth it.

"Scott, you okay?" Alex knocked on the door.

I slowly stood up and I opened the door. Alex stood there, smiling at me. I smiled back and hugged him.

"Hey! What happened? Why so happy all of the sudden?" Alex asked, hugging back. I could hear the smile in his voice.

"I... I just found a new angle on this situation."

"Good for you. You're finally letting go. I'm proud of you, Scotty."

"Yeah. I'm proud of me, too."

Mitch's POV

Being in Hell has its perks. There isn't a lot, but there are a few. Like how I can actually eat kinda real food, or how I can escape being a wanted person for demons. But, it's still Hell. Being in here won't make anything better.

"Oh, Mitchell?" A demon called out. "I have a present for you!"

I turned around to see the demon and... Scott?

I stood up and he looked at me, smirking evilly. His eyes turned black and he brought out a knife. I realized it wasn't him again.

"Hey Mitchie. Ready to have some fun?" Before I could even breathe, two guys grabbed me from behind and they dragged me out of the cell. All four of them walked, or dragged me to the torturing room. They chained my arms, legs, and waist and started to lift me off from the ground. A few seconds later, I was about fifteen feet above the ground.

I was still for about a minute before the chains on my arms and legs started pulling the opposite way from my body, stretching me out. It stopped when I was all spread out. Then the chains started to wrap around me like snakes. Finally, the chains pierced me flesh and bones. It's not the worst they've done.

"What?! You afraid?! Come on! You've done worse! What's holding you back?!" I yelled, blood coming out of my mouth.

"The King says to hold off. He wants to talk to you." One of the demons answered.

"You listen to another? Who is it?"

"None of your damn business."

"Come on. I'm meeting the guy. At least let me know his name."

"No. He'll introduce himself to you. I don't want to ruin his fun."

"Why're you listening to him? I thought you guys were demons, the monsters who had no care in the world. The ones who would never listen to anyone, instead you'll just kill them. What happened to that legacy?"

"You don't know what the King can do. He's dangerous."

"But their are billions of you. Surely all of you can take down one man. Or are you too afraid to that?"

"SHUT UP! We don't attack him because he keeps us from going on too much. If we don't have a ruler, we don't have any rules. Without rules for demons, mean no humans for world. We take. We kill. We torture. We want to do that for eternity but if we keep doing that, then there will be no one left."

"What's it like? Being a demon?"

"It's pretty cool, if you don't mess up. You can go wherever you want. Make deals for people then take their souls ten years later. Sometimes even speed up the process. After you make a deal, you can drink, fight, and their will be less pain then what the average human feels. You're immortal. You're stronger then what you were before you turned."

"Why does this 'King' want to talk to me?"

"He wants to turn you."

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