Chapter 22

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Sorry I'm updating a lot. It's just that it's finals week and I'm stressing out. The only thing that can ease that is writing. I'm sorry if you're annoyed be me updating a bunch. You can go if you want. I understand.

Kirstie's POV

They took us out at once, two guys holding one of us each. It's a little unnecessary since the man weakened us, but it's his decision, I guess.

"Man, as much as I love seeing people die, I also love the reaction to their friends witnessing their death. It's priceless. I think your groups reaction will be the best, though." The man laughed. Scott tried to escape from the guards arms, but more just came.

"Let's see who wants to die first, shall we? How about... you?" The man pointed to Avi. We all started yelling no but our protests stopped when hands were against our mouths, preventing us to speak.

"I-if it means that I can die as a brave person, then I should. But please, don't hurt the rest of them. They don't deserve it. They've had enough. Just kill me. I tried to get them out. I tried to fight you. Please not them." Avi cried.

The man laughed at Avi's request. "You are a funny man, Kaplan. But no, I'm not gonna let anyone off the hook. You all deserve this. You were the ones who got into this whole mess."

Avi sighed in defeat and the two men dragged him to the wall. They chained him up on the wall and punched him. Unnecessary.

"I want Thief to choose your murder weapon. I know he loves to choose. I remember that he chose Alex over his little misfit. Haha, that was comical. By the way, happy birthday." The man said. The guards who were holding Scott, pushed him towards a table with four weapons. A knife, a gun, a rope, and a sword.

"Wh-why are yo-ou doing this? We ha-ave a ho-orrble life already. Don't ma-ke it worse!" Scott cried. I heard Mitch hyperventilating and Kevin struggling to get out and help him. Then the heavy breathing stopped. Mitch's body was limp and Kevin was finally out of the guards grasp, now carrying Mitch.

"Damnit. Get the boy into a separate room. We'll continue this until he's awake." The man said. A guard walked up to Kevin and Mitch and ripped Mitch out of Kevin's arms. They went outside the room and the guard opened another door and threw Mitch in. He stepped inside and locked the door behind him.

This never happened to Mitch before. What's happening?

Mitch's POV

It worked! I bought us some time. Yay!

Acting like a dead body is hard, but it paid off. I guess.

I heard the guard shut the door and walk up to me. I could feel his breath on me. He turned me around to face him. Just before he touched my face, I jerked my head up to his and gave him a bloody nose. "You bitch!"

He held one of his hands up to his nose while the other one held me. I grabbed the arm that was holding me with two hands and slammed it down on my knee. He screamed in pain and fell down.

"That's what you get!" I yelled before punching him in the face, knocking him out instantly. Ow.

I searched his body for keys to unlock the door. Once I found it, I grabbed it and ran to the door. I unlocked it and quickly shut the door and locked it from the outside so the guard won't get out. I'm guessing all the other men are in the 'torturing' room because no one was in the halls.

I ran to the room and peeked in from the outside. Everyone was chained up. Avi had a gun up to his head. I saw the man talking and looking at Avi in some sort of desire. Then I heard a loud bang. I ducked my head and covered my ears. Two more shots were heard. Tears started to well up as I lifted my head. There I saw a lifeless Avi, hanging there. Scott, Kevin, and Kirstie cried until the man shot the floor. He yelled something then walked towards the door. I froze. I didn't know what to do.

The man opened the door and found me against the wall, covering my ears. "Hello. I'm guessing you saw your friend."

I became furious and slapped him across his face. He held a hand up to his face and looked shocked. "Wow. The little twink has muscle. Guys, grab him. He has guts. I hate it. Kill him immediately."

Two men grabbed me by my arms and held me up. They 'carried' me to a dark room where the only way you could see us if you opened the door. They threw me in and took out their knives. They ran and jumped on top of me. The last thing I remember is screaming and seeing my own blood.

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