Chapter 19

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Mitch's POV

I felt someone's hand rubbing my back gently. I opened my eyes and looked up at Scott.

"'Morning, Angel. How'd you sleep?" Scott asked me in a soft tone.

"I slept well, surprisingly. How about you? Did you sleep?" I asked him, sitting up on his lap.

"No. I couldn't. You're just too beautiful for me to even close my eyes." He responded.

I blushed and covered my face with my hands. Scott awed and sat up.

"Hey! Get up! You two eat this before we take it, got it?!" The man yelled.

We both sighed as he slipped two trays of food under the door. It was the same thing last time, except the bread was older and there wasn't any butter.

"Here. I had this granola bar ever since we got here. These jerks don't know how to search a body. Let's share it." Scott said, pulling out the bar from his pocket.

He unwrapped it and broke it in half. He handed me one half as he ate the other.

We enjoyed the snack as much as we can, considering it'll be the best thing we'll get in a long time.

After eating, we both just sat there, enjoying each other's presence.

"Angel?" Scott broke the silence. "When we get out of here, do you think we'll be as strong as we were?"

"Yeah, I guess. After this, we'll be as strong as ever. Nothing can separate us." I replied.

Scott smiled and hugged me. We stayed in each other's embrace ever since we saw each other and I think we don't want to move. I mean, we are all we got right now.

The guy came in and shook his head. "I guess you guys weren't so hungry after all. I need you two to get off each other. It's been awhile since the last session and I'm really bored."

Scott and I separated and the guy's friends came in and took me back to my old room. They left as he came in.

"I don't want your boyfriend to see this. You know how emotionally loud he gets." He said.

He grabbed my arms and chained them back into the wall. He grabbed a knife and put the tip of it against my stomach.

"You know, Thief has a thing for you. It's very strong. Almost as strong as yours. But every time he thinks about it, he thinks of Alex. You know Alex, right? The man who is 'nice' and 'sweet'. Well guess what, he's not coming to save you. Truth is, Alex hates you. He wants to torture you so bad for getting close to his Scottie. That's partially why I'm here. To do the job he can't do."

The man dragged the knife across my stomach deeply. I was about to scream when he put a cloth in my mouth.

He put the knife down and grabbed a drill. He put it the screw part of it to my right hand.

"This is gonna hurt. I know you know that, but it's more painful then it looks. At least, I think it is. You're the first person I've ever tried it on. Tell me what it feels like afterwards." With that, he turned on the drill. He pushed the drill deeper into my hand. My muffled screams filled the room, along with the sound of the drill.

He stopped after a few minutes. The drill was pulled out of my hand slowly and I thought I was gonna die. Tears dropped from my eyes as he laughed.

"I guess it isn't that painful. I could barely hear your screams. I guess you like it. Don't worry, I'll use it more often." He said.

He put the drill on the little table and opened the door, letting the other men take care of me. They unchained me and pulled me into Scott's room. One of them held my injured hand tightly, letting his dirty fingers touch my wound.

They pushed me towards a bruised Scott and left the room. Scott saw the wound and grabbed my other hand, pulling me into his chest. I sobbed, holding my injured hand gently.

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