Chapter 3

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I woke up in the hospital, thinking how I got here. Then, memories from last night flooded in and I had a terrible headache.

"Hey buddy, are feeling okay?" Ben asked as he got up from his chair.

I nodded in response and he smiled slightly. He went to tell the nurse that I was awake, so he left me in my thoughts. Gabe came back and he looked even tougher then before. He came back to haunt me and now he knows where I live. Who knows what he'll do to me. My life is already horrible and he'll just make it worst, if that's possible.

"Hey Mitchell, how are you feeling?" The nurse asked with a fake smile plastered other face.

I didn't know how to answer that so I just kept to myself. It was an awkward silence for awhile until the doctor came in. She sighed in relief and stood next to the doctor.

"So, rumor has it that your mute. Is that correct Mitchell?" The doctor said.

I nodded and he wrote something down on his notepad.

"Here's your medication for the pain and here are your clothes. Your father is waiting down in the lobby for you."

I looked around and took a piece of paper and a pen and wrote, 'How long was I out?' The doctor looked over and looked through his papers.

"Umm, you have been sleeping for two days now. Don't worry, we fed you but you need to get back to your eating and drinking habits."

With that, they left and I changed into my clothes. I went out the hospital room door and walked to the lobby. There, I found Ben sitting in a chair with a huge smile on his face. He looked up at me and stood.

"Mitch, I have great news. You have a home now! I'm letting you stay with me in my apartment."

I smiled and went to hug Ben. I barely whispered a 'thank-you' to him and his grin got wider.

" said 'thank-you'. You actually used your voice. Oh my god. You actually spoke because of me!" Ben started jumping up and down, causing me to laugh for the first time in three years.

He hugged me and almost ran to the front desk to sign me out. Once I was out, we got in his car and headed to his apartment. It's been awhile since I got in a car. I mean, I might've been in the ambulance one but I was unconscious.

"So, my apartment is kinda small, but definitely big enough for the both of us. I have my own kitchen, my own living room with a tv, two bedrooms, and a bathroom. Now all of that is ours! I'm so excited. Oh, and by the way, I got your stuff out of your old alley." Ben kept in talking so I blocked the rest of it out, considering it was just him talking about how he wants a cat.

In Ben's apartment

Ben led me to my new room and it was amazing. I had a desk, a closet, a drawer, a comfy bed, a carpet, a lamp, and four walls and a door! I probably sound stupid but I never had my own room. When I lived with my uncle, I always had to sleep on the couch or a dining room chair.

"I hope you like this room. I spent a week trying to make it perfect for you." Ben told me.

I turned and looked at him with a huge smile. I hugged him tightly as he laughed, hugging back.

"Your welcome. Now, dinner will be ready in half an hour, so you can settle down. After dinner, we'll be watching a movie while eating ice cream, okay?"

I nodded happily and he left the room, probably feeling proud for himself.

The room was the second best thing I got today. Maybe the food and movie would be my third favorite thing today. But, days like this always have a twist. No one ever has a perfect day.

I went to sit on the bed and was amazed on how comfortable it was. I peeked under the covers and saw no scratches or marks. Laying down felt like I was on a soft cloud. Sleeping on this was the best thing anyone can ever imagine!

"Mitch! Dinner is ready!" Ben called out.

I awoke from the sound of his voice and headed to the table. As I walked, I noticed how detailed his walls were and how all the pictures on his wall were about his past pets. During the three years, he would always come by to check up on me with his dog or when I go to his store, his cat was always sitting on some useless paper. I understood why they weren't here now because they were pretty old.

"So, I know it's not a lot, but I made macaroni and cheese, chicken, and I ordered pizza. Is that okay?"

Once again, I nodded joyfully. I saw the food on the table and was grateful for everything that Ben does for me.


The hospital talk might be wrong and I'm sorry for that. And I'm sorry for not updating for awhile. I'll try my best to update more. Thank you.

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