Chapter 28

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You know, you don't have to read this story. I know the plot isn't like the other stories and I know that combining two fandoms are bad. Like, not worth reading. I'm sorry if I'm getting worse or my updating schedules are messed up. I'll try to improve on most of my problems, I promise, but it'll take some time. I'm really sorry for the random updates and the short chapters lately.

"The King wants you now." A demon came in. After that weird torture session, I was put back in my cell and they got me dressed in a suit.

"Hurry up. The King has other things to do." I stood up and the demon led me to the King's office.

The building is actually pretty nice. I thought it would be dirty and stinky. The walls were a cleanish brown color with black trims. The floor was a checkered pattern that consists with the colors white and black.

Once we were at the door, the demon raised his fist to knock. The first knock and then, I guess, the King.

He was a little shorter then me with stubble. He had brownish hair and a black suit with a red tie. "Ah. There you are. I was waiting." He had a Scottish accent and it was raspy.

He invited me in and he sat down on a chair behind his desk.

"Why am I here?" I asked cautiously.

"I want to talk to you about something." He answered.

"About what?"

"Do you want to be like one of us? Do you want to feel the freedom we have?"

"No. You people are horrible. You're doing terrible things to innocent people."

"We don't don't do it to the innocent. We do it the sinful people out there. The ones that are greedy enough to make deals with a demon. The ones who are guilty of doing dirty business. We eliminate them. Trying to make the world a somewhat fair place."

"You're lying. You guys are dangerous. Ruthless. You have no feelings towards the people that love your victi-"

"I don't want to go through this. Answer the goddamn question or leave. Just remember that I know who you are and I can do whatever I want to to you. Answer wisely."


"No? Come on. You can get back Gabe. You know, the one the bullied you. The one that killed you. That one."

"What about Dean? He also killed me."

"Dean is a different story. He's a demon. We don't do that out of rage or jealousy. Sometimes."

"How is he alive? Before I was pushed down here, I saw Castial kill him."

"Your angel didn't kill him. He can't be killed like that. He was severely injured. He got back here to be safe and to heal faster."

"Where is he?"

"He's up there looking for your lover boy. He already took the other two."

"Why're you doing this?"

"That's classified information. Now, since you've answered my question poorly, I guess I have to do this. I'll see you around."

He raised his hand and I felt some kind of force push me violently against the wall. I tried to move but it held me there. He took knives out of his drawer and threw them at me, impaling me. I felt the 'force' disappear but I was pinned to the walls by the knives. He stood up and taped my mouth shut. The King then smiled and left me hanging there.

Scott's POV

"Scott?" I heard Alex say. "I'm going out now. My mom wants to talk to me. Oh, and your dad is coming over. Just to let you know."

I saw Alex leaning against the front door. I hugged him goodbye and he kissed my cheek. He walked to his car and waved before going in and driving away. I closed the door and sat on the couch. Finally some alone time.

I sat at my desk and turned on my dusty computer. It took a few minutes to load, but once it was on, I immediately looked up what demons and angels are. I'm still confused on this whole Heaven/Hell thing so I need to do my homework.

After about twenty minutes of researching and copying, I found another way to bring them back. Making a deal with a demon.

"Scott! Open up! It's your Dad!" I heard knocking on my front door.

I stood up and jogged to the door, opening it. As soon as I did, Dad hugged me tightly. I immediately hugged back. I felt my shirt getting wet and I pulled away from the hug, wondering why my dad was crying. Oh right, he has no one else but me.

"Scott, my boy. I'm so happy to see you alive and well! How're you doing?" He sniffled and smiled at me, sitting down on my couch. I closed the door and sat next to him.

"I'm okay, Dad. I'm just a little out of it. But, what about you? How're you doing?" I said, not wanting to go too deep to where I tell him about my crimes.

"I'm not doing well, Scotty. You know, it's been only few weeks since the passings and I'm just lonely. I don't have anyone. No one to make me laugh, no one to make me feel loved. At least at home. So that's why I came here. Scott, I want you to live with me again. We're both in troubling situations so why not help each other." He suggested, looking worried. He looked at me with hopeful eyes and I couldn't say no to my dad.

"Of course, Dad. Why would I ever say no?" I replied. He smiled and hugged me. He kept saying thank-you over and over again and I just sat there, hugging back with a smile.

After a few moments, we stood up and started packing. I really need to get out of here.

When Dad was in the kitchen, I realized all of my notes and my computer was open and out so I ran to my room and quickly packed everything in my backpack. Just in time, too.

"Okay Scott. Since you literally nothing to pack here, we can go right now. Just grab what you need and we'll head out." Dad burst through my door. I swear I heard it crack.

I grabbed my things and both of us walked to his car. I never realized how bright it was in the mornings, or afternoons. I've been inside for awhile now.

We got to my Dad's house and he helped me get my other backpack in my house. I went in my old room and plopped on the bed. I glanced at the computer then at my research and sighed. I have a long night ahead of me.

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