Chapter 34

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Scott's POV

We just came back from the grocery store. It was hard to not burst into laughter because we had handcuffs and little kids kept coming up to us and asked if we're stuck. It was adorable because we would say yes and they would try to unlock the cuffs.

Scott. I found them. I can talk to them, but I can only say a few words.

"Where are they?"

They're in a city called Los Angeles. They're in an alley way. Next to someplace called a "Starbucks."

"We have to get them." Kevin said.

"Okay, how about we just rob a fast food restaurant in the middle of the night. They have enough money for two tickets to California. But we have to go tonight. Which means no stalling, Kevin."

Kevin sighed but nodded.

I heard that drinks at Starbucks was good. I won't know. I can't drink. But I was just saying. Fun fact I guess.

Avi's POV

Hey Avi! How are you today?

Who are you?

I don't think you'll want to know. Anyways, I was thinking maybe you should run into the street.

That's suicide.

It's better than living your horrible life. I mean face it, everyone thinks of you was the person who tears the group apart. Which is true. So dying is actually giving them a favor.

I can't see the street. I can't see anything.

Just stand up and walk forward.

Why do you want me to die?

Because it's better for all of us. It really is. And you know what? I think you're a horrible person and you deserve it.

That's not convincing me to kill myself.

Fine... But I can convince your two other friends. You know, Bįtćhêll and Kristen.

First of all, it's Mitch and Kirstie. Second of all, they're too strong to fall into your stupid trap.

Really? Because Mitch seemed to have fallen into it and can't get out. I have him on my leash and I plan on not letting him go.

Why're you doing this?

So the world can have less screw ups like you and your trash you call "friends."

We're a blessing to this world. Without us, people would be dying. You know why they aren't dying? Because demons are on our ass twenty-four seven and they don't even care about the other people. They just want us dead. But we'll always come back.

Kevin's POV

I can't believe it. I'm gonna be a robber.

Kevin. Calm yourself.

We are actually driving to Wendy's in the middle of the night then breaking in and getting money. We're actually gonna steal it!

"We're here." He announced so casually. How can he be so chill?!

We got out of the car and he picked the lock of the front door. The door that belongs to a fast food restaurant.

We got in shortly and Scott ran to the cash register, dragging me with him. He opened the register and took as much money he could fit in his pocket. He then quickly walked to the back of the restaurant and he took a tarp off a table. It revealed suitcase and when Scott opened it up, it was filled with hundred dollar bills. This seems too easy.

He closed the suitcase then held it close to his body. He and I ran out, running to the car. Then we heard police sirens. I knew it was too late.

"Shit." Scott mumbled. He turned back then ran towards a dark alley. Dead end.

We were cornered. The policemen had flashlights on us, holding their guns up. "Put down the bag of money on the floor! Drop it!" They yelled. Scott raised his hands and dropped the suitcase. I followed him.

The policemen put their guns down and walked towards us. He broke the chain of the handcuffs we already had on and put our hands behind our backs. We're getting arrested.

They threw us in a jail! We're prisoners! I broke the law.

"Officer, we need to get out of here. You don't understand." Scott tried convincing the cop. It didn't work.

"That's what they all say. Look, you two broke the law and not you have to pay the price for it."

"But we have to save our friends! They're in danger!"

"Shut it! You two are screw ups. I've read your files. You deserve this shit."

That's not what a cop usually says...

"Please, let us out. We won't do it again, we promise. We just needed the money to save our friends." Scott pleaded.

"If your friends needed help, then you should've came to us."

"Damnit!" Scott yelled and punched the wall. He quickly grabbed his fist and yelped in pain.

"Then can you help us get our friends? You don't even have to let us out. Just retrieve our friends for us. All we want is to know that they're safe." I told the cop. He still shook his head. I grunted and lied on the steel bed.

"Look, I'm new to the job and the sheriff told me to watch you two. I don't know about you, but blondie over there has quite a history." He told us. That explains his attitude.

Scott looked around the room then smirked. He looked back at me and grabbed my arm, lifting me up.

"What?" I whispered.

"There's a bobby pin in the back right corner. Grab it and unlock these cuffs. I'll distract the newbie." He whispered back. I nodded then went to find the bobby pin. I found it, but it was difficult to grab it since my hands were handcuffed behind my back.

A few minutes later, I finally grabbed it. Now to figure out how to unlock these cuffs.

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