Chapter 12

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Kirstie's POV

Mitch started to calm down a few minutes after we went to the couch. It was really cute seeing Scott carrying Mitch there bridal style.

"You okay now? Do you need anything?" I asked Mitch once he was quiet.

He nodded and smiled a bit.

"Can we continue or should we just take a break?" Scott asked Mitch.

Mitch nodded and held up one finger, indicating that we can continue.

"Kirstie, you wanna go?" Kevin asked.

"Sure," I started,"So, I didn't really have both of my parents in the same place. One of them would be at work while the other stayed at home with me and my sister. That happened for about four years until I was seven. My parents both lost their jobs because of people sucking up to their bosses. Anyway, since they couldn't afford for both me and my sister, they had to give us up. They didn't have a choice because of what the judge said. Well, that's what they told me but I never believed it. So, they gave us up and both of us started sobbing. When the boss from the adoption place showed up, we didn't want to let go of them. All of us started to cry and we all hugged, never wanting to let go. The boss had to separate us from them and we started kicking and screaming at him to let us go but he was way to strong.

"At the adoption center, both of us had to separate because of the stupid rules he invented. We started to argue with him but he just slapped us. So we were separated for about two years. The only time we could see each other was at lunch. I was so sad but I had friends around me that helped me. We were at that place for four years until we got adopted. We thought we were going to be in the same family but she got adopted by a happy, gay couple. I was a bit jealous but I got excited when I met my 'family'.

"When I first met them, they were the sweetest people I've met other then my real parents. Until I broke a rule. Ever since I broke it, they started beating me, starving me, and neglecting me. I wanted to call for help but when I tried, my abusers would either throw the phone away from me or break it. Then I would have to be tied up in the basement, dealing with all my fears together. The most recent one was when you guys came and saved me. I was in there for two days without food, water, and sleep. I'm so grateful for you guys being there to save me from my nightmare. Thank you so much guys, I owe you guys my life."

The boys smiled and I felt safe with them. All of them helped me in a way and I'm so grateful for that. I know they would stay with me and protect me from all dangers.

"Don't worry, we won't ever send you back there. We promise." Avi said.

I thought you didn't want to share?

"I just wanted to encourage Mitch to share. He never shared anything about his past. Not even who he's living with."

He has a bad past not even I know about. I can't get through his memories to find out. His mind is just strong enough to hold me back.

"Will he ever talk to us?"

He's trying to. He talked to Scott so that's a sign.

"But why Scott? I mean, it could've been anyone else but Mitch chose Scott to talk to. Why?"

Mitch probably saw Scott as a person to talk to easily. I don't know. He just feels safe when he's near him.

"Will you be okay? I mean, do you like living there sometimes?" Kevin asked.

"No. I will never miss that place. Sure it's big but what's inside is terrifying." I replied.

That house had millions of weapons. I thought that it was illegal to own that much but my 'parents' are best friends with the police. They never get in trouble and when they do, they blame it on me.

Mitch's POV

Shít. It my turn.

Haha! You can't get out of this one.

"Shut up! Why do you keep annoying me?"

I'm sorry. I'll to behave. It's just, I get lonely. Your the only one who doesn't talk twenty-four seven. Plus, you know more about me then the others.

"That's true."

Ha. You still have to share!

"Can you please stop reminding me?"

"Mitch, you wanna start?" Avi asked, bringing me back to reality.

I took a deep breath and nodded.

Sorry I didn't update yesterday like I said I would. I'll post up the chapter about Mitch somewhere today, if not, tomorrow. Sorry, again.

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