Chapter 6

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WARNING- Mentions is drugs/drinking, blood, and abuse

Scott and I stood up and headed out towards his small car. I'm surprised he could fit in there. He's pretty tall.

As he drove, soft music continued to play.

Mitchell! You didn't even bother asking me where to go. Good thing you're heading in the right direction.

"Then tell me where to go. I'll tell Scott."

You really think you could talk to someone other then Ben? Especially if it's your crush?! You're hilarious!

"First of all, he's not my crush. Second of all, I think I can talk to him since we'll be seeing each other more often."

Fine, I'll give you a chance. Now turn right at the next stop light. You'll be able to find Kevin on his small porch, playing his cello.

"So Mitch, do you know where to go?" Scott asked, breaking the silence.

"Oh, right. Just turn right here. We probably might see Kevin." I answered maybe too quietly. But luckily he heard me because he followed the directions.

We slowly drove down the street, keeping an eye out for Kevin. Scott suddenly parked and got out of the car. I decided to stay inside the car, considering the fact I just saw drug dealing happening with someone as young as me. I heard muffled talking and felt the car door open.

"Okay, I'm still not convinced but it's too dangerous to speak here. I guess we could get the others though." Kevin gave into... something.

I heard Scott mumble a soft 'yay' before driving away from the neighborhood.

Ah, good. I knew he'd give in. Now, the next house you'll be visiting is not really far. Just turn right here and we can see a huge mansion. Be careful knocking up, though. Kirstie's stepdad isn't really... Agreeable to this bunch.

I wrote down the direction on the notepad from Scott's and showed it to him. He nodded and turned into this street where the biggest house was I guess Kirstie's. Scott parked the car and almost went outside but I grabbed his arm.

"What? This is the house, right?" He asked with worry and confusion mixed together. I nodded slowly and wrote down what the voice told me.

"Don't worry. I'll be careful. I'll make sure everyone will be safe. I promise." He assured. I loosened my grip on his arm and he gently grabbed my hand that held the notepad and pen. He placed the two objects down and held my hand. "I promise."

I let go completely and he smiled. Scott got out of the car and knocked on the door. Fear ran through me as I see a muscular man open the door. He had a beer bottle in his hands and he had bloodstains on his shirt and shorts. They weren't big but big enough to be noticed. Something led me outside and next to Scott, but I didn't really appreciate it. I saw the anger in his eyes.

"Who are you?" He spat. Scott and I backed up a bit.

"I said, who are you?!" He yelled. When we didn't answer the second time, he grabbed both of us and threw us in his home. I felt pain overcome me as he continued to kick me. Just as he was about to kick my head, Scott tackled him to the ground, punching him as hard as he could. I used all my energy to get up and fight the pain.

Good, you made it. Now go to the basement. You'll find Kirstie tied up there so make sure you grab a knife.

I limped to the kitchen to get a knife when I heard someone scream. I jumped and almost slipped, but I caught myself. That scream was way too girly to be Scott so I thought it was Kirstie. I ran out of kitchen and knocked into Scott.

"Hey, okay so Kevin caught Kirstie's stepdad in a closet so we have a little time. Right now Kevin's holding the door so we have to hurry." He quickly explained.

I nodded and ran to the basement door with Scott right behind me. I opened the door and dashed down the stairs, trying to find a source of light. When I couldn't find the light switch, Scott pulled out his phone with his flashlight on.

We started searching for her until we heard another scream. Both of us ran towards the scream and found a metal door in front of us. There was a small window so I looked through it and saw Kirstie tied up in a chair, crying for help.

The password is her mom's name. Anjelica Maldonado.

I typed in the password and heard locks release. The door finally opened and I quickly walked up to Kirstie, slicing the rope she had around her. Once she was free, she turned around and hugged me.

"Thank you." She cried.

I murmured a quiet 'You're welcome' and we headed out. All three of us ran to the front door, grabbing Kevin in the process. We quickly jumped in Scott's car and he drove away. I looked in the rear-view mirror and I saw Kirstie's stepfather holding another beer bottle and a bat. I looked at Kirstie, who was crying in Kevin's chest. He comforted her quietly and her sobs died down.

"So, where to next?"

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