I Always Wanted A Daughter

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(You are in the 6th grade and the twins are in the 7th grade. Your outfit in pic for the flashback)

Summer has ended and now your father was forcing you to go to school. You shyly start your walk towards the school when two familiar shouts catch your ear.

"Hey missy," Stan chuckled as he wrapped an arm around your shoulders.

"Where you heading (y/n)?" Ford questioned as he caught up to you two.

"School, new 6th grader here," you smiled proudly. They both smiled at you and looked at you.

"So since we're gonna be at the same school..." Stan started.

"Why don't you hang with us until you get to know the place better?" Ford finished.

"Well I was hoping to hang with you guys anyway," you blushed. They blushes but smiled as they walked you into your new school.

"We wouldn't have it any other way!" they chimed together.


"(Y/n), how's your work going?" Ford asked as you typed away ok your essay.

"It's almost done," you smiled as you continued. Ford smiled at your hard work and returned to his own homework.

"(Y/n), I'm bored come play with me," Stan pouted as he rested his head on your shoulder as you typed.

"Stan I'm almost done they we can go play," you giggles as you nuzzled his cheek. He blushed bright red and nodded. Ford pouted a bit and mumbled something. Their mother chuckled for the doorway and shook her head.

"What's funny Ma?" Stan asked as he turned around.

"Oh nothing. Just thinkin which one of you is gonna end up with (Y/n)," she chuckled. All three of you blushed.

"I-I don't know Ma," Ford blushed. Stan wouldn't look at you. She just laughed and went to answer one of her physic calls. You returned to working on your paper and the boys blushed as they'd glance at you.
Later as the sun was setting, You were sitting on the sit of the Stan 'O War and yawning from helping the guys so much.

"Come here (y/n), I'll carry ya back to the house," Stan said as he poked your leg. Ford went back already to help his mother with dinner. Nodding you jumped onto Stan's back and nuzzled his shoulder as you rested your head on it.

"Thanks Stanley," you yawned as he carried you back to the house. You managed to stay awake for dinner with the Pines before their mother said that you'll be spending the night. The bits were over the moon, while you were just sleepy.

Mrs. Pines gave you one of Ford's science shirts and a clean pair of the boxers from one of the boys. She lest you shower and brush your teeth before branding your hair and kissing the top.

"I always wanted a daughter," she grinned as she hugged you. Yawning you hugged back and went to the boys' room.

"(Y/n) we made a fort!" Stan laughed as he pushed you into the fort.

"You can sleep between us," Ford blushed as he pointed to a pillow and some blankets. They boys settles into their spots as you cuddled down into your blankets, but you were cold.

"Guys I'm cold," you whispered shivering a bit. Both of the boys sat right up and searched for some more blankets. As they were running around, you stole their covers and watched them sleepily.

"We don't wanna distort the fort," Ford mumbled.

"Bro, she took ours," Stan whispered.

"Just share with me," you yawned. Both blushed and nodded. Stan got behind you and cuddled close wrapping a shy, hesitant arm around your middle while Ford froze in military position staring up. You dragged him closer and nuzzled his shoulder causing him to melt and relax. Stanley held one of your hands and Ford the other as you three fell asleep.

Trio For Life (Stan x reader x Ford)Where stories live. Discover now