The Portal

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It was snowing heavily outside. You were sitting on the couch with your feet buried in Tiny's long black fur. Fiddleford left a few weeks ago and Ford has been going out of his mind. The only think that broke the silence was you turning pages in your book. After another hour Tiny looked at the door with his large tail thumping against the aground. A knock sounded and Ford ran to the door with a crossbow.


"Shit Ford!" you yelped as you ran to the front door to apologize.

"Nice to see you too Ford," Stanley said. You looked at the other twin and tears formed in your eyes.

"Stanley?" your voice cracked. He smiled softly at you.

"Hey missy," he smiled. Ford pushed you back and pulled Stanley in to check his eyes.

"Ford stop," you said as he stopped his probing.

"You can never be too safe," Ford sighed. You rolled your eyes as you went to hug Stanley. He held you tight and close. You would have started sobbing right then since it was so long since anyone help you like that, but you didn't because Ford dragged Stanley away. You followed them into the lab where you saw the cursed project that has ruined your life.

"Stanley remember our plan to sail to far off places?" Ford asked. You saw the excited look on Stanley's face.

"Yeah of course!" he smiled.

"Take this, get on a boat, and get as far away as you can," Ford said. Stanley's face fell as he took the journal.

"What? After ten years of not speaking with each other, you invite me here, then you send me away again. I may not have had to great life you have with your large house and with (y/n), but you can't treat me like this. If you want it gone I'll get rid of it right here," Stanley yelled as he held the book over a lighter.

"No my life's work!" Ford screamed as he tackled his brother. You gasped and bolted after them as they threw punches.

"Stanford, Stanley stop it!" you shouted as you tried to push them away.

"Stay out of this!" Ford snapped as he slapped you back. The shock gripped you right as you stayed on your knees. Your hand came up to allow your fingers to brush against the injured cheek. Tears slipped down your face as you tried to understand how you life came to this. How you became isolated from the world when you came to this town. How both men you loved left you. One physically and one mentally and emotionally. This wasn't how your life was supposed to go. You should have been married by now. You should have a baby by now.


"Stanley!" Ford gasped. You looked up and saw Stanley holding his shoulder and the portable sparking to life.

"You had everything I ever dreamed of!" Stanley yelled as he shoved Ford back.

"Stanley no!" you cried as Ford went pay the safety line and start gravitating towards the portal.

"Wh-what's happening?" Stanley yelped.

"Stanley, (y/n), help me!" Ford screamed. You raced to get a rope but you fell on your way back. You heard Ford scream before tossing her journal at Stanley and his glasses falling off. The portal went dead as soon as he was fully in.

"Where did he go?" Stanley asked.

"I don't know. I don't know," you said as you looked at the portal.

"We have to get him back," Stanley said as he hit the on button over and over.

"I don't know how to. He spent years on this," you said as you're down to your feet.

"Hey (y/n) everything will be ok," Stanley said as he hugged you. You sobbed into him as you held him tighter.

"No it won't. He hid the other journals. They hold everything in how to make this stupid thing work," you cried.

"Shh we'll fix this. It's gonna be ok," he cooed as he kissed your forehead.

"You know it's been a while since someone said that to me," you hiccuped.

"But Ford... He was going to take care of you and love you," Stanley said as he made you look at him.

"He did at first... the work he was doing consumed him," you whimpered.

"Hey now. I'm here. We're still going to get him back the I'll beat the day lights out of him for hurting you like that," he said as he hugged you closer. You held him and nodded, but you mainly just enjoyed the comfort that naturally came with him.

Trio For Life (Stan x reader x Ford)Where stories live. Discover now