The Calm Before the Storm

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"Guys come look at this!" you called as you looked down into a cave.

"Oooooo mystery cave," Stan smiled.

"Maybe their are fossilized fish or ancient literature!" Ford nerded as he tried to pull off some old planks from the cave, but failed.

"Here let me do it," Stan smirked as he winked at you.

"Doof," you laughed as you shook your head. Stan punched away the boards and smiled as he looked at his hand.

"Cool splinters," he chuckled. You worried and pulled the bigger splinters from his hand muttering about getting to the rest later.

"Hey let's write our names so people know who owns the place," Ford said as he pulled out a sharpie. Ford and Stan wrote their name before lifting oh up into their shoulders so you could write yours.

"Come on let's go," you giggled as they set you down. Running deeper into the cave, without your flash light, you gasped when you saw all the glow worms above you.

"(Y/n), don't run off like that," Ford scolded.

"Guys turn your lights off and look!" you giggles. They look at you oddly, but do it. The gasps they made brought a smile to you face.

"So pretty," Stan murmured.

"This is a fantastic discovery!" Ford laughed as he hugged you. The three of you sat down on in a dry area and started to eat and laughing around with each other.

"I can't believe this is our last year in school together before you both go the high school," you muttered as you looked up at the star impersonators.

"Hey it's not like we'll never see each other again," Ford chuckled as he hugged you.

"Yeah missy, we're gonna make sure you have smooth freshman year," Stan smiled as he Ruffles your hair.

"Haha, alright guys," you laughed with them.


"Let's go swimming!" you said as you took your shoes off.

"But (y/n), what clothes will you wear when your done?" Ford asked as you flicked off your socks. Taking off your shirt and shorts you revealed your swim suit.

"I have those, now come on!" you giggled as you raced to the ocean. Stan was already on board and stripping as he followed you. Stan splashed you as so as he made it to the water.

"Hey!" you squealed as you splashed back.

"Guys!"Ford giggled as he entered or water battle. You three played for hours and hours, until your eldest brother showed up and called to you.

"Oh no," you mumbled as you looked at him.

"What's wrong?" Ford asked.

"We'll stand by you if he tries and blame you," Stan growled.

"I need to go," you whispered as you grabbed your things and rushed up to your brother. He hugged you tight and cried softly into your hair, knowing what happened you cried back into his chest.


Summer is almost over. It's been two weeks since your mother passed. You were in the cave in the dark with the comforting glow of the worms to watch over you.

"Hey," Ford whispered as he sat next to you.

"Hey," you mumbled as you hugged your knees more.

"Wanna come over for a sleep over?" Stan asked. You shook your head.

"Daddy, Dean, and Sammy want me to watch Adam," you whimpered. (I dare you to judge me -3-)

"Can we stay at your place?" Stan asked.

"We've never seen your house," Ford encouraged.

"Th-that would be nice," you nodded as you smiled at them both.


"I don't wanna go to school tomorrow," you pouted from the fort with Ford and Stan.

"Same," Stan groaned.

"Come on, school isn't that bad," Ford said. You tackled Ford and started poking at him.

"Nerd~" you giggled causing him to laugh and poke you back.

"(y/n), your brothers are here!" Mrs. Pines shouted. You sighed and hugged both of your friends.

"I'll see you two tomorrow," you smiled before slowly leaving their room.

Trio For Life (Stan x reader x Ford)Where stories live. Discover now