A Letter

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---Stanley's POV---

I was relaxing with a co-worker after work. I finally got a job at a moving company and (y/n) was so happy that she didn't have to work as hard as she did since I'm helping her out.

"Hey Stan, how's your girl doing?" my co-worker asked as he sipped a beer.

"She's doing good, she's much more relaxed since I've helped out," I sigh as I sip my own beer.

"You should get going then, she gets off work soon huh?" he asked as he looked at the clock. I gave him an odd look.

"Yeah I should. I'll see you tomorrow," I said as I got up and headed to my car. When I got there I saw a note on the windshield.

"What the?" I said as I picked it up.

How ya been Steve? Where's my money huh? We finally found you again and that lovely girl of yours. We need you to come back to come back to Minnesota man. You're safe for now out in California, but that doesn't mean we'll make your life a living hell and drag that pretty little girl along down with you.

See you soon

No. NO!! my mind screamed as I kicked my car's tire. I pulled at my hair trying to figure something out.

---Your POV---

"Hey Ford?" you smiled into the phone.

"Hmm yeah?" he responded. You rolled onto your stomach and sighed.

"You're going to visit soon right? I haven't seen you since the summer of my freshmen year," you said sadly.

"I'm trying you know how hard I work," he sighed.

"Yeah yeah I know. I should go and make dinner. Bye Stanford," you muttered as you hung up. You always made the point of calling him Stanford when you were upset. Just then you heard the door open.

"Hey mister," you grinned as you walked down to Stanley.

"H-hey," he said.

"You ok? You look like you've seen a ghost or zombie," you chuckled as you cupped his cheek. Stanley just looked at you and cupped your face.

"I love you," he said.

"I love you too. Is everything ok?" you asked. He hugged you tight and kissed the top of your head.

"Of course missy," he chuckled. You felt him kiss your head a few more times as you hugged him tight.

"Hey I got ravioli to make miser," you giggled as you rubbed his back. He kissed you again and let you go as he walked upstairs.

---Stanley's POV---

I sat up on my side of the bed. I was fully dressed and it was two in the morning and (y/n) was sleeping peacefully. Her hair was messed around and her sleep shirt hung off one shoulder. A few tears left my eyes as I kissed her lightly.

"I love you," I whimpered.

"Mmm I love you too," she murmured in her sleep. I stood up and grab my packed bags and headed out to my car. Once in it I sobbed before driving away with the rising sun.

---Ford's POV---

I was finally falling asleep ready for the weekend as the moon rose. I rested my head against my textbook when my phone went off.

"Huh hello?" I groaned.

"You'll take care of her right?" a familiar voice asked.

"Who is this?" I asked.

"Don't leave her alone. You know how much she hates it sixer," the man said.

"Stanley?" I asked, but the line went dead. Shaking my head, I stood and walked towards my bed, but the phone went off again.

"F-Ford?" (Y/n) sobbed into the phone.

"Hey darling what's wrong?" I asked. I knew Stanley was staying with her for a bit, that must have been him the other minute.

"S-Stanley left again," she cried.

"Are you sure he's not going to work?" I questioned, the first time he left for work before she woke up she had a huge anxiety attack.

"N-no he left a note and everything," she hiccuped.

"I'm so sorry sweetheart. I know I can't be there now, but I got a ticket to come out there on Christmas," I said trying to cheer her up. I know how much she loved Stanley so I backed off a bit into my studies when he popped up again. Yet, I love this woman with all my heart and I'm almost done with school early. I'm not going to let her go again.

"R-really?" she whimpered.

"Yeah sweetness you and I are going to get a Christmas tree, look at the pretty Christmas lights, and watch those cartoons you love," I chuckled.

"That... That sounds perfect Ford. I miss you," she whispered.

"I miss you too. Love you," I said cautiously.

"Love you too," she said softly.

"I'll call you later?" I said.

"Alright bye Ford," she said as she hung up.

"Now I need to buy a plane ticket," I mumbled as I fell onto my bed.

Trio For Life (Stan x reader x Ford)Where stories live. Discover now