Trying to Rebuild

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"Hey (y/n), hop in," Stan shouted as he pulled up next to you in his bright red car. Mattie hasn't talked to you in a week, which meant that you had no ride to or from school.

"I can't I have to pick up some medicine for Adam and stuff for dinner," you said as you leaned on the car door.

"We'll help you. Come in," Ford added. You sighed knowing you weren't going to win, so you got in the back seat.

"I'll be right back," you said as you jumped out of the car and walked towards the store.

"Let us help," Stanley said as he tossed an arm around your shoulders.

"Fine," you said. Stan pushed your cart as you gave Ford a list of things you needed. They went off on their little hunt while you went to the medicine area to look at things for Adam.

"Hey we got everything," Stanley said as they walked up to you. Looking up you added the bottles of medicine for Adam and for you as well as some girly products.

"Why did you put those in there," Stanly said in disgust.

"Cause I'm a girl and I need them," you said as you stood on the end of the cart.

"Ready to check out," Ford asked. You nodded and Stanley pushed you there.

"Thanks guys," you sat as you loaded Stanley's car with your shopping bags.

"It's fine. Hey after dinner why don't you come over and hang out?" Ford asked shyly.

"Yeah Ma misses you," Stanley chuckles. You smiled and nod.

"Why not it's been a while," you said. They smiled and drive you home even helped you carry everything into the house.

"Alright I'll see you guys tonight," you said. Stanley hugged you and you giggles before you hugged Ford.


You tucked a piece of hair behind your hair as you walked up to the Pines house. Taking a nerve settling breath, you knocked on the door.

"Hello, what do you want?" Mr. Pines asked when he opened the door.

"Hi Mr. Pines," you chuckled nervously.

"(Y/n)?" he asked.

"Who's at the door?" Mrs. Pines asked as she walked out.

"Hi Mrs. Pines," you said as you waved a bit.

"Oh (y/n)! It's been too long look how beautiful you are!" she shouted as she pushed past her husband to hug you. You laughed and hugged back.

"Thank you Mrs. Pines," you said.

"Let me guess, you're here for the boys? They're up in their room. Have you eaten? Want some food?" she asked as she pulled you into the house.

"I'm good, thank you though," you said as you headed upstairs. You walked into the Pines twin's room to find them playing a game.

"Game night?" you asked asked as you pulled your hair into a ponytail.

"It's Dungeons, Dungeons, and Dungeons," Stanley groaned as you sat next to them.

"It's so much fun, with math, role play, charts!" Ford cheered.

"Kinky Ford," you laughed with Stanley joining in as Ford blushed. You caught your breath and hugged Ford.

"Don't pout Sixer," you said. He blushed more and hugged back.

"S-so what do you wanna do?" Ford blushed.

"Hmmm I dunno, movies in the fort?" you suggested. Stanley was quick to grab the movies and move the fort.

"I'll grab some snacks," Ford said as you crawled into the fort. It took you thirty minutes for the snacks, movie to be chosen, and for everyone to be comfortable. You were in between the twins as the movie played.

After the movie was over, both twins was asleep and snoring lightly. You looked at the time and had to go home.

"I'm glad we can do this again guys. Sleep well," you whispered as you kissed both of their foreheads and snuck out of the house. Both of the twins smiled when your lips touched their heads and they were dreaming about childhood memories with you being the main focus.

Trio For Life (Stan x reader x Ford)Where stories live. Discover now