Shut In

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"Ford I'm back!" you shout as you come inside the house. There was no response, so you went down to his lab and found him working away.

"Hey, have you eaten at all today?" you sighed when you saw the food you made him this morning untouched.

"Hmm? Yeah I did," he lied.

"What did you eat then?" you asked as you knelt next to him.

"Stuff, (y/n) I really have to get this done. I'll come up for dinner," he sighed as he kissed your forehead. You stood and hugged him from behind.

"I miss you," you mutter before kissed his cheek and going upstairs. As you walked upstairs there was a ring at the door.

"Hello?" you asked as you opened the door.

"Hello there ma'am. Would a Stanford Pines live here?" he asked with a southern accent.

"Yes he does, you are you?" you asked nervously.

"Fiddleford Mcgucket, ma'am," he smiled and he held his hand out. You grinned and shook his hand before ushering him into the kitchen.

"I was just about to make lunch. Stay here I'll get Ford," you grinned as you went back downstairs.

"Ford there is a man here for you. Come up stairs please," you asked carefully. He looked back at you with a small sigh.

"Fine," he mumbled as he walked up after you.

"Hey there Ford. Ya got a lovely hoke and a lovely wife," Mcgucket said as he hugged his friend.

"Fiddlefords! Thank you and yes she is very lovely, sadly not my wife yet," Ford chuckled as you blushed and made lunch.

"Come lets go to the lab," Ford said. You threw a knife that got stuck in the wall next to the lab door.

"Ford you haven't eaten in days. Sit down now!" you snapped.

"You almost hit me!" Ford gasped. You walked over and kissed him.

"But I didn't and you need to eat, sorry for the out burst," you smiled sweetly before playing some left over stew from last night. Ford chuckled and Fiddlford looked terrified of you as they sat and ate your food.

Time Skip

"Is he still down there?" you sighed as Fiddleford came up from the lab. He was reasonable and came out of the lab to eat and sleep in a real bed. Ford hadn't lately.

"Yes ma'am, but he said he would be up soon," the man said before going to his room. You sniffled and sat on the couch and pulled out a photo of you and Stanley and Ford.

It was right after your seventeenth birthday and you three were in a blanket fort. They both were kissing your cheeks as you laughed. You laughed lightly at the photo before you saw tears fall on it.

"I'm in my late twenties, I excepted to be married to one of you two by now. There's still time... There's still time," you whimpered as you hugged the photo and curled up on the couch. You missed New Jersey. You missed the Stan O'War and Glass Shard Beach. You missed Stanley's red Cadillac where you all would see drive-ins. You missed the way both of them would do anything just to see you smile.

Now one was missing and the other a shut in who barely took care of himself.

"This wasn't how it was supposed to go," you cried. Curling into a ball, you sobbed yourself to sleep holding the photo wish Ford would sense this and come running.

-Stanley's POV-

I bolt right up in my motel room.

"She's crying," I mutter as I hugged my knees and think of her in Ford's arms being comforted. God I miss her so much.

Trio For Life (Stan x reader x Ford)Where stories live. Discover now