Alone Again

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"Call me when you get there," Ford said as he hugged you.

"I will and when you move into your dorm you call me too," you smiled. You hugged your family and knelt down to Adam.

"I'll be home in a few months," you said as you hugged your little brother.

"Imma miss you," he sobbed as he clung to you.

"I know, I know. I'm going to miss you too. I'll call you when I get there and you have to come visit me too mister," you said as you kissed his cheek. He nodded and you wiped his cheek free of tears.

"I love you sissy," he said.

"I love you too," you said as you kissed his cheek. You stood again and hugged Ford with tears in your eyes.

"Go have fun and grow," he smiled. You grinned and kissed his cheek.

"Bye everyone," you smiled with tears as you board your plane.


You flopped on your bed as you finally finished decorating your dorm room. You reached over for your phone and dialed Ford.

"Hello?" his sleep ridden voice said. God you forgot how sexy that was.

"Sorry are you sleeping?" you giggled. His deep chuckle rang in your ears.

"Yeah, but are you ok?" he asked.

"Yeah I'm all settled," you asked as you snuggled into the sweater of his that you stole.

"Yeah so tell me, is California paved with gold?" Ford joked.

"No but it is sunny. The beaches are a bit more crowded than our little beach," you said with a sad smile.

"Hey don't you get home sick. You've worked hard for this. Be happy ok?" he scolded.

"Okay okay. When are you moving into your college?," you chuckled.

"I make the move tomorrow," he yawned.

"Oh! I'm sorry I should let you sleep," you gasp.

"It's fine I'm happy I got to hear that you're safe and settled," you could hear the smile in his voice.

"Love you Ford," you smiled.

"Love you too (y/n)," he said. You sadly hung up and sighed before your phone rang.

"Hello?" you asked. After a few seconds of silence you asked again.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" you asked again then something struck you.

"Stanley?" The phone line went dead. You frowned and sighed before hanging up your phone and laying back in your bed.

"Hello is anyone in here?" a female voice asked as a blonde haired girl poked her head in.

"Hey," you said as you set up.

"Oh hi! I'm Bianca," she said as she walked in. You saw that she had a black eye patch and a yellow dress.

"Hello, I'm (y/n)," you said as she sat on your bed.

"I was going to go get lunch, but I don't want to go alone. Would you care to come?" Bianca asked.

"Sure I could eat," you grinned as you stood and slipped your shoes on and walked out of the dorm with her. 

Wow three chapters in 1 night. I am on a roll!!

Trio For Life (Stan x reader x Ford)Where stories live. Discover now