Because She's Happy

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That summer you rarely left the house unless it was to go out with your brothers. You mainly had Dean teach you about cars so you can help in the shop while your dad was away for a convention.

"(Y/n), why don't you take Adam to go get some ice cream?" your dad asked.

"Okay," you shrugged as you walked upstairs to change and get Adam.

"Can I get chocolate ice cream?" Adam asked as you two held hands while you walked into town.

"Sure Adam," you smiled as you walked into the ice cream/candy shop.

"And maybe some candy?" He asked with a sweet smile.

"We'll get some for our brothers and dad ok?" You smiled as you nuzzle's his sandy hair. He giggled and nodded.

"You sit here Adam ok?" You smiled as you set him in a booth. There was no line and the place wasn't too crowed and you could always see him.

"Here you are miss," the boy (in photo) a little older than you said with a smile.

"Thanks," you smiled as you took the ice cream. You turned and Adam hugged your legs.

"Hey what's wrong?" you worried. He didn't answer as he hugged you tighter. Looking up you saw a group of guys and Stanley pines was in the middle.

"Come on sweetness you sit here I'll be right back," you said as you say him on a seat by the ice cream counter.

"B-be careful," he stuttered.

"Pines," you spat as you crossed your arms and stood in front of the group.

"What?" he laughed as he looked to you.

"You know it's one thing to hurt me, but scaring my kid brother is another thing," you growled. Stan stood and smirked walking over to you.

"And whatcha gonna do about it?" he challenged. Ou glared and slapped the smirk off his face literally. He stared at you in shock.

"Why you little!" he growled as he pulled his fist back.

"Hey now, why don't you let the little lady go back to her treat with her brother?" the guy who served you ice cream said as he pulled you behind him.

"You're lucky shrimp!" Stan stormed out of the shop. The guy turned around and sat you with your brother who hugged you tight.

"Thanks," you smiled at him.

"No problem. I'm Matt," he smiled.

"I'm (y/n) and this is Adam," you said as you got Adam back to his treat.

"Nice to meet you. So I'm guessing there is a story with the Pines twin?" he asked.

"I think I'll tell you that story another time," you chuckled. Matt leaned on the counter as you chatted, smiling and laughing with Adam and Matt.


I was working on my summer reading when Stan busted in with a bruised cheek.

"Who'd you fight now?" I asked turning around.

"(Y/n) slapped me," he said as he sat on the bed.

"What did you do?!" I growled.

"What her kid brother was in the table me and the guys wanted to sit at so we made him move," Stan snapped.

"Idiot, do you not remember? She hates us and moves on! Not constant bulling her and especially not her kid brother. Have you seen her other brothers and father? I'm surprised they haven't come to kill us!" I shout at him. He hangs his head sadly and nods.

"I-I know," he mumbled.

"I'll be back," I growled as I walked out of the house and down to the sweet shop. I look in the window hoping she was still there and she was. Yet, she was talking to the ice cream guy and they were laughing. Her little brother was having fun too.

"Hey I could walk you home if you want," the guy blushed and rubbed the back of his neck. (Y/n) smiled more and nodded the tips of her ears going pink.

"Y-yeah sure that would be great," she smiled. I drowned a bit and headed home.

"Well what did you do?" my brother asked.

"Nothing," I said as I sat at my desk.

"NOTHING?!" he shouted.

"I couldn't do anything because she was basically flirting with the ice cream guy!" I snapped causing both of us to be quiet.

"If this is for the best. Why does it hurt?" Stan asked later that night in the dark.

"Because she's happy," I whispered.

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