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Stan started to pull you up onto the boat before hugging you. The world's largest smile as you hugged back. You didn't notice Stan moving and Ford snickering before you fell into the shallow waves of the ocean.

"Wh-what?" You whimpered as tears came to your eyes. They laughed at you from the ship.

"THIS ISN'T FAIR!" You screamed as you ran away from them sobbing and soaking wet.


You were in your bathroom crying in the shower as you washed the ocean and sand from your body and hair. You never heard the door open and your brothers come home.


Sammy and Dean brought me home from school while Papa worked in the car shop downstairs. When we got in we heard crying from Sissy's room.

"Sammy get Adam a snack," Dean said as he started towards Sissy's room.

"Who's sad?" I asked Sammy as he picked me up and took me to the kitchen.

"I think (y/n) is, but I think everything is alright," Sammy smiled as he hugged me and handed me a cookie.

"Sammy, we need the feel better kit," Dean said as he poked his head into the kitchen. Sammy nodded and ran around grabbing Sissy's favorite foods.

"Sammy? Is Sissy's bagina monster here?" I asked as I kicked my legs a bit.

"I don't know, but let's go help (y/n) feel better ok?" He said as he put me on the floor. I nodded and held his hand as he walked out to the living room.


I hear crying coming from (y/n)'s room and knock on the door.

"Uh (y/n)?" I called as I knocked on the door.

"Y-yeah?" she sniffled. I tried to open the door but the door was locked.

"Open the door (y/n)," I said softly. The door opened and I saw (y/n)'s wet hair hanging around and covering her face.

"Sweetness what happened?!" I said as I knelt down in front of her and rested my hands on her shoulders. She just sniffled and tackle hugged me and clung to me as she cried into my shoulder. I picked her up and walked into her room and hugged her tight as I rocked her a bit.

"T-they d-don't like me anymore!" she cried into my shoulder.

"Who doesn't like you anymore?" I asked as I pet her hair.

"S-Stan and F-F-Ford!" she sobbed. I froze and look down at her.

"No they can't. You three and thicker than thieves," I said as I wiped her tears away.

"N-noooo Stan d-dropped me into the ocean! A-and they have been ignoring me a-and acting as if I-I bother them," she whimpered.

I'm going to kill those idiots! I though as I comforted my sister.

"Then forget them. Right now you need your brothers and some comfort ok?" I smiled at her. She kept her frown and nodded. I rushed to the kitchen and poked my head in.


I walked out to the living room and was greeted with Sam and Dean fighting over what movie would make me feel better as Adam toddled up to me with an ice cream sandwich.

"Will this make the mister go away?" he asked as he held it up. You picked him up and sat on the couch.

"You're the best," you smiled as you kissed his cheek and tickled him a bit making him laugh.

"I wuv you Sissy," Adam smiled as he let you eat your ice cream sandwich.

"I wuv you too little man," you smiled as you kissed his forehead.

You'll get through this. You have to. For your family. This is for the best right?



These thoughts raced through your mind as you say with your family, not watching the movie, and thinking about the twins that you come to know and love.

Trio For Life (Stan x reader x Ford)Where stories live. Discover now