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James- Jily

Remus- Percabeth

Peter- The Titanic

Sirius- And your least favorite ship?

James- Snape

Sirius- That's not a ship

James- you know what I mean

Remus- He means Snily

Remus- As for me, I don't think I like Draco Malfoy x Nico Di Angelo that much

Sirius- Who the hell ships Draco x Nico Remus be realistic

Remus- Fine, WOLFSTAR

Sirius- . . . I'm thinking of some choice words to say to you right now. I won't, though. I'm a mature young adult.

Sirius- No I'm not @$&/":$;//829>#| you Remus.

Peter- I don't know anymore ships.

Sirius- Thank you, that is all
-<><><><><><><><>- and hour later

Sirius- I did it

Remus- You did what

Sirius- I wrote the most amazing fanfiction ever

Remus- oh godric

James- Oh no

Peter- Oh

Sirius- That's all you have to say? Psh

Sirius- Here it is:

The sun set slowly over the ship's horizon. James was about to lean in to kiss Lily when the ice berg hit. The ship sank, they died, the end.

Oh and apparently they had time traveled with someone named Percy and Annabeth and that's why they were on the ship. Snape drowned after James killed him. Sirius murdered Remus in his sleep because REMUS DOESN'T SHIP THAT. Everyone died except Sirius who was actually an immortal dog.

Remus- . . . Are you mad at me for some reason?

Sirius- Sorry, meant "god" not "dog"

Peter- Dog makes it better

James- *slowly claps*

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