12 Days of Marauders Christmas: Four Calling Birds

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We have found a solution.

And by "we" I mean "Remus".

The calling birds were released into the wilds of the Forrbiden Forest, to call to their hearts' desire.

We didn't have four like the song says.

The "French" hens had their berets removed, and are currently annoying the Slytherin common room.
Don't tell Peter but they might end up in the kitchen.

There were only two of those.

The turtle doves were taken to McGonagall, who, despite looking partially displeased and partially ammused, turned them back into normal turtles and will be adding them to her menagerie to use in class.

For some odd reason we had four...

The problem of James's father's owl still remains. He won't leave, and we can't figure out why.

We will get to the bottom of this.

And I'm caught up on the 12 days of Marauders stuff!

Thank you Remus Lupin you are a LIVESAVER.


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