If the marauders texted 3

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Remus- You wrote another book

Peter- And posted it to some website

James- without our permission, might I add

Sirius- I asked you and you said "Uh huh yeah sure Sirius"

James- When?

Sirius- When you were stalking Lily

James- I don't stalk Lily!

Sirius- Anyway, by now you may have noticed that the format has changed.

Remus- I like it.

Sirius- Of course you do.

Sirius- James will now provide a list of future plans

List of future plans
•Celebration of Sirius' birthday, which thanks to Pottermore we now now is November 3rd
•Videos of pranks we will conduct
•LANGUAGE so if it offends you MOVE ON
•Peter struggling with the age old question "Why did the chicken cross the road?"
•Me and Lily FINALLY getting together
•Remus and Sirius wearing cute sweaters and cuddling

Sirius-I did not authorize the last two

Remus- James, if you can knit those sweaters yourself we will wear them.

James- Prepare to be surprised.

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