Do it for the vine

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Remus- James you idiot.

James- I know, I know.

Sirius- It was pretty funny, though.

Peter- What? What was funny? What did I miss?

Sirius- This:
*video* James is sitting nervously in a tree, Sirius is filming from the side. Lily and Marlene are walking past, when James dumps a bucket of ice water on them. Lily screams and Marlene swears creatively. Sirius turns the camera around and says,
"Sirius Black and James Potter have nominated Marlene McKinnon and Lily Evans for the ice bucket challenge!" Lily screams at them and he and runs away leaving James stuck in the tree yelling "YOU DID IT FOR THE VINE SIRIUS IF YOU DIE AT LEAST YOU'LL BE INTERNET AWESOME!*

James- There go my chances with Lily.

Sirius- I captioned it "If this gets over 100 views James will kiss Lily."

Remus- Operation make that video get over 100 views starts now.

James- Wait no it doesn't.

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