Anything Muggles do Wizards do Better

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Sirius- Have you ever realized Muggles have some cool things, like Snapchat and email, but I'm pretty sure wizards could do it better if they tried

James- Like Snapcat and owlmail?

Sirius- Yeah, cool things. Like eWizardry

James- Or bands, we could have some cool bands

Sirius- Twenty Øne Broomstick Flyers

James- Drake-o

Sirius- or TV shows

James- Living with the LeStranges

Sirius- Dancing using Stars

James- Once Upon a Time

James- Wait

Sirius- Game of Houses

James- I don't even know what that show's about

Sirius- Sex and dragons


James- Professor Who

James- We could have some pretty badass books

Sirius- The Triwizard Games

James- Perseus Weasley and the Ministry of Magic, Heroes of the Order of the Pheonix, OWLs of Apollo, Hermione's cousin and the gods of Asgard, Harvey Poter and the Magician's Rock,

Sirius- Wizards would so do everything better

Remus- Yes, with our advanced technology straight from the eighteen hundreds

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