12 Days of Marauders Christmas: Ten Lords A' Leaping

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Sirius- So

Sirius- Does anyone have some ideas they want to share with me for a chapter in a book

Sirius- If the book ever becomes famous and I make money off of it I will pay you

Sirius- Like, 1% because you did almost nothing, but it's still money

Sirius- I'll give you credit

Remus- You don't give us credit anyway why should we trust you

Sirius- I do to give you credit

Sirius- I put (Remus/James/Peter-) next to what you say

Remus- you copy and paste text messages

Remus- with magic

Remus- there are easier ways to do that you know

Sirius- Idc

James- and a partridge in a pear tree

Peter- this now concludes our broadcast day

Remus- This is why you don't ask for ideas

Remus- and this has nothing to do with your suggested topic of a popular muggle holiday song

James- Hey I said pear tree

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