12 Days of Marauders Christmas: Six Geese A' Laying

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Sirius- Peter fucking Pettigrew

Peter- what

Sirius- I thought I told you no more birds in the dormitory

James- ironic, from you

Sirius- shut it that's not what I meant

James- I thought you were gay tho

Sirius- James this isn't about you it's about me roasting Peter on group chat so keep your sass to a zero

Sirius- as I was saying

Sirius- So why in Godric's wizardly name are there nesting geese in here

Sirius- why are there geese

Sirius- why are they nesting

Sirius- Geese don't nest in the winter

Sirius- what the hell mate

Remus- those would be my fault

Sirius- ....

Sirius- the fuck

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