And the reason we're in detention is...

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Remus- Oh my god

Sirius- Turn your brightness down or Slughorn'll see you Remus

Remus- Just

Remus- Why

Remus- The only reason I'm here is because I was sitting next to you

Sirius- Detention's not that bad, honestly

Remus- say that after he's given you detention

Remus- I don't want to be battling devil's snare for "academic reasons" again

Sirius- It wasn't that bad

Remus- We had to rescue Peter eight times

Remus- Eight

Sirius- Well, it was bad for Peter

Remus- We wouldn't be in this situation if you hadn't incited James like that

Sirius- Oh so it's my fault James dropped the crocodile heart into Snevillus's cauldron

Remus- Well you told him to do it

Remus- And now three people are in the hospital wing because of it

Sirius- again, not my fault Evans got in the way


Remus- You hadn't decided to call Snape a butt trumpet

Remus- Which is, by far, your worst insult EVER

Sirius- Well it's not like you're totally innocent are you!

"Why are you texting each other if you're standing next to each other?"
Peter asked in a loud voice. Remus and Sirius quickly turned off their phones and glared at Peter, who looked confused.
"What was that, boys?"
Slughorn turned around from his desk and asked.
"Nothing, nothing, just Peter asking-"
Sirius shoved Peter. He squeaked.
"If we can go to our next class yet? We don't want to be late."
Slughorn nodded.
"Well, seems fair. Just report back here on Monday night for detention!"
Remus smiled and apologized, while Sirius glared and Remus and Peter and grabbed his stuff. The corridors were deserted. He pulled his phone out and sent one more text

Sirius- This argument isn't over yet

If the Marauders texted 3Where stories live. Discover now