Creation of nicknames pt2

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(Sirius and Peter are in the dorm, James is at Quidditch after a practice and Remus is in the library. Sirius's phone battery is at 5, maybe 10%. It will be important later on)

Sirius- Has anyone come up with any eligible codenames?

James- No

James- No we have not

James- This is a tragedy

Sirius- Really?

James- YES

Sirius- Guys there's a worm in our dorm

Sirius- How did it get here

Remus- Idk


Sirius- GUYS


-a few minutes later-

Peter- Yes sorry that was my tail I have already explained this to Sirius I was practicing

James- Good for you

James- I tried changing into my animagus form but my antlers got stuck in a tree

James- stupid pronged antlers

Peter- Sirius is now freaking out about how I have a worm tail

Remus- Why

Peter- He says it's unnatural

Remus- he can turn into dog and he thinks a rat's tail is unnatural

Peter- Yes

Peter- His phone also lost battery

Peter- He is asking me to ask you where his charger is Moon Moony

Peter- I mean Moon Moon

Remus- nooooooo don't call me moon moon

Peter- He's also asking me to ask you, Remus, if it is normal for a dog's pad on the bottom of their foot to rip

Remus- why me?

Peter- He wants answers

Remus- it's too close to exams to be answering all his questions

Remus- and to be using proper punctuation in texts

Remus- and to be texting i need to study

Remus- but i honestly don't want to

Remus- Help I think I'm going crazy

Peter- And cures, if possible

Peter- His hand is bleeding profusely and he doesn't want to have to explain to Madam Pomfrey that he was chasing a cat and it attacked him and bit his paw so it started bleeding

Peter- He also can't let McGonagall know because there's a chance she was the cat

Peter- Could have been a student's cat, though

Remus- Tell him to go to Madam Pomfrey and say he stabbed himself with a quill

Peter- He just hit himself in the face with his hand and exclaimed Why didn't I think of that!?

Remus- Tell him he didn't think of it because he lost too much blood

Remus- Also im smarter than him

Remus- which is why im studying and he is not

Peter- He's now groaning because he hit himself in the face with the bleeding hand

Remus- I think you mean "face palm"

Peter- That sounds more accurate

James- If you're going to have a conversation like this do it on your own not over a group chat

James- I'm looking up nickname ideas and can't read with a new message popping up every two seconds

Peter- Wait

Peter- You want nicknames?

Peter- There're all here guys

Peter- No that was not Sirius's idea I have valuable thoughts at some points

Peter- I am a marauder

James- What do you mean?

Peter- I mean I am one of you guys and risk my life to change into an animagus for my friend who needs our help

Peter- we are friends friends do this for each other and don't betray each other

(SO WHY THE HELL DID YOU- sorry that was the author freaking out over this. Peter was a marauder and has to be included somehow... -Sirius)

James- no, the nicknames Pete

Peter- Oh

Peter- Well, you said earlier "stupid pronged antlers"

James- So I could be Prongs...

Peter- And Sirius pointed out that if Remus doesn't like moon moon

Remus- I don't

Peter- I misspelled it and spelled it moony

Peter- He says Moony should be your nickname

Remus- Good idea

Remus- Hey, you should be Wormtail

Remus- Sirius was freaking out about that earlier

Peter- Okay

Peter- Sirius says why must you make fun of my insecurities

Peter- He says "I've lost a lot of blood from this damn pad on my damn foot and I thought Peter was transfigured into a worm okay? Wait why are you typing this Pete no don't send-

James- XD

James- Hey. Padfoot

James- Ask Sirius what he thinks about Padfoot?

Peter- He says he likes it!

James- There we have it. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs

Remus- The Marauders

Peter- Sirius still wants to know were his changer is

Remus- Under his bed, probably, it's a mess down there

Remus- *sigh*

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