Accidentally (or not so accidentally) OOC- A message from the Marauders

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Hello! You probably know me, at least, if you've made it this far into the series I sure hope you do. It has recently come to my attention that our author- *glares in her general direction* -
Has made us seem, how did she put it? OOC. Which either means Out of Character or Owls over Cats. I'm honestly still not sure if she was joking or not. This may have included overuse of caps lock, modern/wrong country slang, and excessive misuse of !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. In fact, the use of electronics in our era, or even at Hogwarts, makes this immediately AU. (Alternate Universe. Go ahead and try to tell me that one's Average Unicorns, I won't believe you.) She's also too lazy to go back and fix anything, considering she wrote over 100 useless chapters of random shite. Thank you, Emily. We really appreciate it. (Note- that was sarcasm.) I'd fix it myself, but I've got homework to do and schemes to plan.
So, to prove to everyone who has ever read anything involving us by RagingDalek that we are NOT what she makes us seem, ...

(Remus) *sighs* I'm not a total book nerd who follows every single rule and gets all O's. I actually take part in more than half the pranks. We all do. I don't think I even know what Divergent or the Hunger Games are, and if I did, it wouldn't make me a book nerd. And even if I did think Star Wars was better than Star Trek I wouldn't fight with Sirius.
*looks down at parchment*
Sirius I can't read your handwriting do I have to do this? I have to return a book to Lily.

(James) Actually, I'm pretty much the same. *crumples up pice of parchment*

(Peter) I am a valuable member of the marauders and was, at one point, a true Gryffindor. I even became an animagus for my friend, illegally, and I am not obsessed with cheese. Cheese is for mice. Thank you.

(Sirius) Okay, I have a long list of things that are wrong with me (well, not me, but me.)
1. I'm not afraid of cats. I just dislike them.
2. I'm not an idiot. C'mon, you think Sirius Black, animagus at the age of fifteen, first person to escape Azkaban,(Emily: No, Barty Crouch, Jr. did it first. Sirius: First person without outside help, then.) amazing fighter and one of the top students in my year, is an idiot? I didn't think so. (Emily: Well, you did die by curtain.)
3. It's not canon that I'm girl-crazy. Godric, they're the ones that are crazy over me!
4. Did I mention I'm not afraid of cats? I'm a Gryffindor for crying out loud, I'm not afraid of felines!
5. I could go on for hours but Moony says I have to get to class.


Hello! Unlike Sirius, you probably don't know me. I'm the author of the fanfic, Emily A.K.A. RagingDalek. (because the marauders are just fictional characters. They're not even mine. I'm finally taking credit for my stupid little interactions instead of pawning the blame off on Sirius) I stared this with absolutely no research and no general idea about what was going on, but somehow I made it here. And from now on, I vow to try (no, I vow to do. Do or do not, there is no try) to make the characters seem like they are more than silly twelve year old girls who fight over dumb stuff. No, from now on, we're actually going into the Wizarding World. The first war with Voldemort has just begun, and I'm going to show that in writing.
Get ready for more serious (and more Sirius) chapters. Serious, but not sad. They're not dead yet. And also, funny, because I clearly can't write. (Wait till you reach the chapter my friends helped me make)


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