Oh, the irony

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James- You guys ever notice how ironic our lives are

Sirius- no...?

James- I mean, dogs can't eat chocolate or raisins and your favorite food are chocolate covered raisins.

Sirius- Not favourite, but I like them

James- Well you certainly eat them too much

Sirius- Touché

James- And how Peter's lactose intolerant

James- And rats have a thing for cheese

Peter- Eh, not really. Some animals in certain spieces that are stereotypically cheese loving are lactose intolerant, and that includes some mice as well as some rats

James- And Moony, where do we start?

Remus- I'm not ironic, I'm just a living coincidence

James- Whatever

Sirius- Hmm. You know what the most ironic thing is?

James- Remus hates wolves and his patronus is a wolf?

Sirius- No

Sirius- Your patronus is a stag

James- not ironic I AM the king of the forest

James- Or the quidditch team

Sirius- No, what's ironic is that stags and does are made for each other

Sirius- And you hate Snevillus so much

James- Sirius no we've been over this

Sirius- And his patronus is a doe XD

James- Oh my fucking godric

James- It's Lily I'm meant to be with not Snape

James- Shut up you know I'm right

James- I know you're all laughing but just you wait

James- 🎶Just you wait🎶

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