Part 22.

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It's a new semester and I get to change my classes. My 5th hour changes and apparently so does Shanes . We both end up in the same class and it is really weird. I take a seat by the door and when he walks in he takes a couple seats behind me and this is when I start panicking.

I did my work and kept my head low and then one day the teacher makes signed seats. And what do you know she puts Shane right beside me out of all places. He raises his hand and asked if he could move to the back and she let's him, at this point I had to remind myself to breathe.

After class was over I walked as fast as I could to get away from there like I did everyday and I looked at my phone to see if I got a text and ran into him. I looked up and said sorry and he told me it was fine.

After a week it wasn't so bad and then the teacher finally caught that I was in two of the same classes so she sent me to the office and I switched out of that class. I couldn't stand being in there. It was too weird and every once in awhile he would stare at me and when I would turn my head or something he would look away. So I got out of that class.

The next couple days wasn't so bad since I wasn't in that class. I passed him going to my class and when I got there he texted me.

* Hey, why did you switch out of this class. You left me here with all the people I hate.*

* Haha sorry. I had to get out of one of the classes and I liked the other one better. We just watch movies. *

* You should have stayed in this one. I don't like anyone in this class. *

* We never talked anyways so what's the point? *

* Well I was gonna but kinda hard to now. *

* Sorry. *

*It's cool. *

The conversation between us became sort of weird but at least we were talking. We talk about what has been going on and everything , then he said he had to go so I told him okay.

It was weird to talk to him, I don't know why but it was. I think it was cause he asked me about Brandon. And I really don't like talking about it. I asked him why it mattered so much but he wouldn't answer me he just kept changing the subject.

After that we didn't talk. Like always. We just went back to not talking. Which was okay with me cause I knew how it would have ended up anyways. We would end up in a fight then we wouldn't be talking anyways so it saves me the fight and saves me from a heartbreak again.

It's now February and it's Shane and I's birthday. I'm walking down the hallway and I see Shane, I look at my phone so I can see if he would say anything to me. He walks by and leans over and says Happy Birthday and all I could say was yeah you too. I felt so stupid. When I got to class I got my phone and texted him.

*Just in case you didn't hear me. Happy Birthday to you too.*


*your welcome.*

And I never got nothing back. I was kinda sad but I didn't bother with it. I knew that he was happy and I was somewhat happy being single. It didn't bother me any.

Nothing really happened until March.

The church takes us on a youth thing every year where there's a lot of Christian rock bands and a lot of Bible studies. It is really fun. And Shane and Miley are going.

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