part 6.

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I ask my mom if she would go get Shane for church on Sunday, cause we have to talk about what happened, and she tells me that it's not a problem. I'm getting a little nervous, cause it's Saturday, and the next day I'm going to talk to Shane about everything.

I decided to call Lexi and see if maybe she wanted to come spend the night with me so that way I can have someone with me. I call and she picks up and she asks her parents and they said yes.

As soon as she gets there I tell her about everything. I tell her how I'm hoping that it's good news and not bad, and luckily she had some good advice for me.

As soon as my alarm goes off In the morning I hurry up and get dressed. I decided not to get too dressed up cause I don't want to look desperate, So I decided to go in just jeans and a regular shirt.

When we get on the church van I set in the third seat and I let Lexi sit by the window and I sit in the middle. When we get close to Shanes house I start getting nervous. Lexi starts to notice and she tells me just to stay calm and that everything will be fine.

When Shane gets on he sits by me and it's a little awkward. So I break the silence.

"How's school going?"

"Good. What about you?"

"Good. "

"That's good."

"yap. So when did you want to talk about everything?"

"After church"


Church went by fast, faster than I wanted it to. When church service was over we go get in the church van, Shane asked me if I think my mom would let him come over. I ask my mom and step dad and they didn't care, so I tell him that it's okay, Shane calls and tells his parents that he will be hanging out with me and coming back home after Sunday night church.

When we get to my house my brother asks Shane if he wanted to play video games with him, but Shane says no that me and him need to talk about some thing's. My brother is disappointed but he'll get over it. Shane and I got outside to talk so that way we'll have some privacy.

When we get outside I ask him if he wants to walk or sit.

"I'd rather sit. It helps me think a little better."


We find a couple of chairs and sit.

"So what was it that you wanted to talk to me about?" I ask to break the awkward silence.

"I wanted to talk about what happened that night."


"Well here lately all I could think about was that kiss. I know it's kind of stupid but I have. I really like you and I want to date you but Miley and me have this thing I don't know how to explain it but we have been dating for awhile, but I don't want to talk about that I want to talk about you and I. Haliey, I want us to date and I want us to be together but I don't know how it would work."

It took me a minute to take everything in and I finally say.

"Shane I have been thinking about this ever since we kissed and I want to be with you. When I'm with you I feel this special connection between us. I don't know how to describe it but all I know is that I haven't felt like this before. I haven't felt the way I feel about you with anyone else."

"I have never had anyone say anything like this to my face. I have in a text but not to my face."

"I know it's stupid."

"Hey, look at me. Nothing is stupid about you telling me how you feel about me."

" okay."

"So what are we going to do?"

"I don't know"

"let's just see what happens"

That night after church we get on the church van and we talk and we laugh and I couldn't help but lean in and kiss him. He didn't stop me from it so I just kept going. When I leaned back and looked into his eyes and I thought that no matter what we can't be apart.

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