part 7.

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Shane and I do this for a week or two and then One day I got a message.

*Hey, I broke up with Miley and I want to be with you.*


*So do you want to date... Again?*

*Yes of course I do*

We text all night and he asked if he could come over tomorrow since we are out of school I ask my parents and they said that they didn't care so I told him and he said that his parents didn't care either, so he tells me goodnight and that he'll see me tomorrow, so I text him the same. I put my phone down and I couldnt stop thinking about him and me, and as I drift off to sleep with a smile on my face.

When I wake up to the sound of my alarm I turn it off and get up and get dressed,and do my hair. When I get done it is 7a.m. and he will be here at 8 so I clean a little,and get some things done before he shows up. I get a text saying that he is almost here,and he wants me to be outside waiting on him. I text him back saying okay, and I go outside and wait for him.

When he gets here he walks up and kisses me. We walk up to the steps and when we get to the door my mom opens it and says hello. We get inside and we sit down and he holds me in his arms.

"I love this!" He says in my ear

"I love this too!"

We spend the whole day together. I watch him play video games with my brothers and I watch them play football. When it is time for him to go home, I get sad because I don't want him to leave but I know that he has to cause he can't stay with me forever. Although I wish he could. We get in the car and I sit in the middle close to him. We kiss the whole time and I can see my brother and mother staring but I didn't really care. All I care about is him,and the moment that we are having.

When we get to his house its hard for us to say good bye. We kiss some more and he finally gets out of the car. Before we leave he texts me.

*I had so much fun with you today babe*

*I had a lot of fun with you too*

*I really hope this works out between us.*

*Me too. I really want to be with you.*

*I really want to be with you too.*

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