part 27

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In November me and Bryan are still together. And Shane and Miley broke up the night I went and got him and he was staying with his aunt. One day he asked if me and Korey would come hangout with him. And we said yeah but we had to come up with something to get away from Bryan so we told him that we was going to hang out with some friends. When we got there he got in the car and we went to the park and hung out there for a bit. When we dropped him off he texted me saying that he wanted to talk to me about something and I said okay.

* I was wanting to talk to you in-person. But really couldn't. But I was wondering if you would want to get back together. *



*yes I do!!! *

I was so excited.when I got home I told Bryan that it was over. After a couple of days I couldn't do it. I was scared that I was going to get hurt again and that he was going to get back with her. So I broke up with him. I couldn't believe it. The first time I broke up with him. But after we talked we got back together cause I was starting to overthink things and we started dating for a week and he broke up with me cause he didn't want me to be with him if I wasn't happy. I got back with Bryan and a couple days later I find out that Korey and him are together.

I couldn't believe it. I was heart broken and I couldn't handle it. But I acted like I didn't care and that I was happy for them. But inside I was dying. I texted him and asked him why and he just said that he's liked her for awhile now. And that killed me more than anything. I told him that it made me feel like everything we had was fake and he said that it was all real all the feelings and everything were real. But I didn't know how to react to it.

They dated and I dated Bryan. They would hang out and it would kill me to see them together just knowing that he was with her and not me killed me. But I didn't say anything. I kept it all in.


I found out I have to have surgery in a couple of weeks and that scares me I told Shane cause we was on talking terms. And Bryan was with me when I found out. Shane and Korey have been fighting everyday and I can tell that it isn't going to last long. She has been talking to this one guy that she met five years ago and that she has been head over heals for since then. They started talking in December and apparently started dating some time then and I knew she was still with Shane. And it made me mad I wanted to tell him but I didn't want it to make it look like I was trying to split them up. So I left it alone. They broke up and I broke up with Bryan cause he was starting to control me.

On a Tuesday night Shane called me and we talked for three hours and he told me that he was happier with me then he was with her. And I was so happy to hear him say that. The next day he came to church and he sat across the table from me and Korey and Lexi. Korey and him didn't talk much and every once in awhile I would look up and see him looking at me or smiling at me. Korey was talking about the guy she was talking to and Shane was talking to his sister and me. Korey thought he was talking to her cause he asked his sister who she was dating now and when we both looked at him he looked at us and said.

"what I was talking to my sister. "

"oh I thought you was talking to me. " Korey said

The look on his face was to show that he knew something was up. After church I was waiting on Korey to give Shane his stuff back and they talked for a bit and she told me what he said which wasn't much. That night he called me and asked me out. And I said yes. The next day I had surgery. I told my mom that Shane would be texting and asking how I was doing and she asked why I just told her that he's just trying to be a good friend. After my surgery I got home and texted him I was home and doing good. And I passed out. The medicine that the doctors gave me made me sleep A LOT. When I woke up I got a text from him saying he was coming to see me to make sure I was okay. I got up cause I heard the door open. When. I walked in the living room he was standing there.

"how you feeling?"


" I bet. You look like you've seen a ghost. " he said while laughing.

"oh so funny. " I said while laughing

We walked back to my room and he asked how everything went and if I told my mom and them yet and I told him no that I wanted to wait until after my surgery and that I was going to tell her and my step dad tonight. And he said good. He only stayed for a hour cause he didn't want to overwhelm me and that I needed to rest. He kissed me and looked at me and smiled and I said what? He just smiled and said nothing and said bye and he loved me. I texted him and asked him why he looked at me like that.

*Cause when I kiss you I get butterflies like it's the first time I ever kissed you. *


I was happy once again. More then I have ever been. We was happier then ever and I couldn't picture life without him.


It's Shane and I's birthday and we were hanging out when my grandma text me asking me if I would want to go and get my hair cut and I said yeah but Shane was with me. She said it was okay that he could come too.

When we got to the hair salon my grandma was getting her hair cut and Shane and I was sitting and talking and having a good time.

" I think I'm going to get my hair cut" said Shane

" I'll pay for it if you want to have it cut" said my grandma.

" Okay. I guess if you don't care."

" No not at all. "

After I got mine cut Shane was next and he just got what was on the wall. Which was something simple. After we got our hair cut we went out to eat and just having fun. When we got back to my house Shane  said he got me something. And wanted me to close my eyes. And when he said I could open them I looked and he got me a canvas with the Eiffel tower on it. I was so happy. I loved it. After we hung it up we both laid down and went to sleep.


Things are starting to get weird, I start to notice that Shane and Korey were hanging out more and more. After he would get of work he would come over to my house then sit for a couple of minutes and then go over to her house and stay for two or three hours so I knew something was up. I just didn't know what.

After awhile I started to feel like he wasn't wanting that much to do with me. We were starting to fight every day and he wasn't wanting to hang out that much and he wasn't really wanting to talk to me that much. So one night I go out to see why he goes over to Koreys and stays for so long and I see them kissing. I was so shocked. I couldn't breathe. And I ran back to the house crying and so hurt. When I get to my room I just lay in my bed and cry the whole night.

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