part 4.

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Shane thought it would be better if we we're just friends so we hung out with each other at church. When we would hang out, I started to notice that Shane and Korey were talking more. One Wednesday night I went to the bathroom and came back out and seen them talking, I walked up to them and asked them what was going on, and Shane looked at me and tells me that him and Korey are good now and that they were friends. I was relieved to hear that. For a minute I thought that maybe they were arguing with each other. I looked at Shane and Korey and smiled and said that I was glad to hear that.

That next weekend Lexi was going on a school trip and she asked me to come a long, and At that time she was talking to Shanes brother Mike and she wanted to buy him something, and she was trying to get me to help her so I suggested for her to get him a hat. Lexi thought for a minute, and she looked at me and says that it's actually a great idea, so we ask our grandparents to take us to a store so she could look for one.

When we get there we decided on a hat for him, Lexi looks at me and tells me that I should get one for Shane as well, so I looked around and found the perfect one for him. It was Grey with a Ford sign on it.

* I hope he likes it* I say to Lexi.

*I think he will*

*I hope so.*

We check out and get into the car and start heading towards my house. Surprisingly we make it back in time before Sunday night church, so Lexi and I get ready for church and I text Shane and tell him.

* I'm going to church tonight if you want to come.*

*Okay I'll come.*

* okay see you then!*


Lexi and I decided not to tell them that we got them something untill church. We get to church, and we set down beside each other and I look at Lexi and say now. We tell them at the same time that we got them something. They are both surprised, and we say that we will give it to them after church. All through church they were asking  us to tell them what we got them but we wouldn't give in. Shane said something but I didn't hear him so I looked at him and I said...

" what did you say? "

" Nothing never mind"

" no tell me"

" I said since you got me something I might have to kiss you."


when we get in the church van Lexi and Mike set beside each other, and Shane and I set beside each other. We give them the hats at the same time. They loved them. Mike tells Lexi thank you and that he loves it, and Shane tells me that he loves it and that he'll thank me later.

We drop Lexi off and we are heading to drop off Shane and we get halfway there and Shane leans in and kisses me, I kiss him back and he leans back and says....

"I can do it again if you want me too."

"I don't care." I say with a smile on my face.

At that moment I wasn't thinking about how he had a girlfriend and how I shouldn't be doing this, I just went along with it. The whole time we were kissing all I could think about was how this is wrong, and that we shouldn't be doing it, but at the same time it felt so right.

After we dropped off Shane he texts me.

*I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that.*

*It's fine, it felt wrong but it also felt right... I don't know what to do.*

*Do you want to stop or...*

*I don't know to be honest.*

*Alright well just think about it.*

* Okay, I will, but also you need to think about your girlfriend.*

*Yeah, I know. I will*

After that I spent so much time thinking. I don't know if I want to be that girl, but I also want to be with him. I like him, but I don't want to be the second woman either.

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