part 10.

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Shane and I decided to be friends almost a week ago. We talk everyday and he calls me at 7 everynight. We would talk about anything we could to keep the conversation going. We would find the weirdest, and funniest things to talk about.

One weekend there was a movie that came out that Shane, Lexi, and I wanted to see, I ask them if they wanted to go see it Saturday night. They agreed to go, but Shane and Lexi didn't have the money to go, so I told them I would pay for them to go. It took awhile to get Shane to let me pay for him but finally he gave in. I asked my Aunt if she needed a babysitter Friday night, and of course she did, so I asked my aunt if it would be okay if Lexi came with me. She didn't care so she came along with me.

When we get to my Aunts house I babysit them for the whole day and half the next day. When they finally return, Lexi and I hurry up and get our stuff together so that way we can make it to the movie.

When we get to my house Lexi and I hurry up and get ready for the movie, and I text Shane and tell him that we are going. When we get in the car Shane calls me to make sure that we are still going. We get to his house and when he steps out of his house he looks amazing. Lexi looks at me and gives me this look like wow. When he gets in the car the smells amazing, I'm starting to get a little nervous, and of course he can tell. He looks over at me and smiles.


"No." I lie.

"Yes you are."

"Okay,okay I am."

"There's nothing to be nervous about."

"I know. "

We are almost there, and when we finally get there we head up to the ticket booth and I buy the tickets for the movie and I hand Shane, and Lexi there tickets. Shane was a little bit more calm about me buying the tickets, and I'm not as nervous as I was in the car.

When we get in the movie theater Shane sits on one side of me and Lexi sits on the other side. We go through the whole movie laughing and talking about what happened. When the movie was over we head to the car and Shane and I talk about the movie.

We are all sitting in the car quietly and listening to radio, and Shane started talking about how he is planning on going to vo Tech and not doing football. I was shocked when I first heard him say it cause he was talking about playing football almost the whole summer, but I don't say anything and just go along with it and say that it is good that he is going cause it might be good for him to go there and get to know something about what he likes to do and if he really wants to do it then do what he wants to do.

When he gets done telling me about everything that he has to do we sit there and listen to the radio again, and Lexi is sitting up front with my mom and I'm sitting next to Shane we are in the seat by  ourselves and he puts his hand on my leg and I look up at him and smile and he just smiles back. I set there for awhile with his hand on my leg and I finally put my hand on his leg. We sit there forever like that and we are almost to his house when he leans in and kisses me. I sit there for a minute, and I finally start kissing him back.

"Your getting better" He says as he pulls away.

"I learn from the best" I laugh as I say the words.

"Well maybe you should learn a little more from him"

"Well maybe"

Before he gets out he kisses me goodbye. He gets out and tells everyone bye and tells my mom thanks for letting him come. He shuts the door and walks into his house.

When we leave his house we get going down the road and he texts me.

*Hey, Sorry I shouldn't have kissed you. I just couldn't resist myself.*

*No it's fine. I liked it. Did I really get better? *

*Yeah you really did.*



*What does this mean?*

*I don't know.*

*it's whatever you want to do. *

*I'll think about it. *


I dont know why I'm going through this again. No, actually I do. I love him, but is this what love really is? I don't know I guess I will just see how everything goes cause I don't want to lose him. Thats the last thing I can do right now.

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